Lock Up

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Clarkes pov:
I flutter open my eyes and the last thing I remember was aiming a gun at a stupid guard who tried sneaking up on me.

Once I regain my vision I see I'm back to square one, back in lock up.

I tug at my restrains that chained me to the wall with a clank.

"Damn it!" I shout.

I try to slip my hands out of the cuffs but it's no use.

I freeze when I hear the door creak open.

My own mother.

She walks in with a grin and two guards following behind her.

"We meet again Clarke." She says plainly, leaning closer toward my weak body sitting on the floor.

What the hell did they do to me that my body is so weak?

"I know this may look familiar to you, lock up." She continues.

"You know we had to lock you up, or your little mouth would tell everyone about the low oxygen on the Ark, god you're just like that bastard of a father you had."

My body infuriates with anger.

How dare she talk about my father after what she did to him.

"You broke the Ark rules Clarke, and you know what that means."

She continues with a grin growing on her lips word after word.

"You're execution is set to be in 3 days."

My eyes widen but I try to hide it but I could tell I failed by the grin on her face growing, and the evil laughter starting to come out of her mouth.

I soon give her a hateful look and she looks at me with a sarcastic pout.

"Aww, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

I spit in her face, making sure to get her in the eyes.

She flinched as my spit reaches her face and I manage to flicker a smile at the sight.

My mother moves backward and a guard comes and shock lashes me in my stomach. I grunt in pain and my body soon becomes even weaker.

"Just for that, 2 days."

She storms out of the room and signals the guards to follow her. The door slams shut and I'm left alone once again.

My own mother.. is going to kill me? A whole execution? What has gotten into her?

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the door squeaks open once again.

God they need to fix that door.


It was Monty and Jasper.

"Holy crap.." Jasper says in shock.

"What are you two doing here."

"We were looking for your m- the chancellor.."

Monty corrects himself, like it matters.

"Well she just left." I say sighing, leaning my head back on the wall.

"What happ.."

I cut Jasper off before he could finish his question.

"Nothing just go! Before you get in trouble."

They both look at each other confused but soon nod and start to leave the room.


They both turn around and look at me.

"Get Kane, but don't let my mom or any guards see or know.. we need a plan."

They both nod and leave the room.

I sigh again. This one more was more.. filled with desperation.

Lexa must be so worried. What about Bellamy? Octavia? Raven? Murphy? My friends?

A while passes. Or at least it felt like it.

The door creaks open again slowly, causing my ears to ring at the sound.

I wince and shut my eyes as I plug my ears. I grunt at my piercing ears.

"Oh my god.." a familiar voice says almost in a whisper.

It was Kane.

He soon jogs over to me and squats down in front of me. Monty locks the door, him and Jasper following along behind.

"Are you alright?" He asks in worry.

I don't answer his question as I start to open my eyes and lower my hands while the ringing stops.

"Clarke..?" He asks again low.

I nod slowly and look at Monty and Jasper and give what I hope was a smile signaling 'thank you.'

Monty nods and I look back at Kane.

"My mothers planning an execution.. for me.. in 2 days." I say panting, my eyes fighting to stay open.

I haven't eaten or drank anything since this morning.

"Clarke.. hey hey hey! Stay with us!" Kane says lightly hitting my cheek rapidly.

"We need a plan." Jasper says starting to squat down next to Monty.

"Tell Wick.. we took a radio to TonDc.. tell him to radio Raven.. be our inside man.. give them information.." My speech becoming lousier by the minute.

Kane looks over at Monty and Jasper and they both nod and leave the room.

Kane turns back at me, my eyes barely open.

"We're gonna get you out of this." He says softly.

I give him a faint smile as I let the darkness take over my sight.
__________________________________alr well um hello again
sorry for the delays i've been busy with school and other things but i'm back for now! i'll try to write as often as i can!

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