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Lexas pov:
I freeze in complete shock. My mouth slightly dropped open. Indra comes running over towards me, seeming that she saw my reaction, and soon our faces were the same. "We need to get her help, now!" I shout at the search party as they run over and pick up Clarke's lifeless body and bring it towards TonDc as Indra and I follow behind cautiously. Thoughts start popping in my head. What was she doing here? Was she alone? Is she even alive? Did I do this to her? I start to worry more as we get closer to TonDc.

As we reach TonDc I shout to open the gate. We rush towards the healers tent and open the flap. I find an empty bed in the far corner of the tent. "Here! Put her here!!" I exclaim to the warriors still holding tight to Clarkes loose body. As they place her down on the bed I signal them that they are excused and quickly turn to check Clarkes pulse but see Nyko one step ahead of me. "She's not breathing, and her pulse is weak." Nyko states with sympathy. Before I could even think I see him start to give Clarke CPR. Pumping on her chest, then breathing air into her lungs. Nothing. I start to grow more worried about her. What if she doesn't make it? My eyes can't decide wether to look at Clarke, and hope she makes it out ok, or to the floor and let my worries take over my brain. Before I could decide I hear a raspy gasp come from Clarke. My head shoots up in shock and my eyes dart at Clarkes, still lifeless body. I sigh in relief. "She's stable for now, but I need to get her some food and water, by the looks of it, she hasn't eaten in weeks, maybe months." Nyko says plainly. I nod as I watch him exit the tent. I turn around to take a look at Clarke. She was in fact still breathing. I put the back of my hand to her forehead to check her temperature, she feels a bit cold. I notice the slight cut on her forehead. I grab a wet rag and start to gently pat her wound. I glance at how much she's changed. She's lost a dangerous amount of weight, and yet looks even more beautiful than when I last saw her at Mount Weather. I hear the tent flap open, it was Nyko back with some food and water, and also medicine. "This will help her wake up faster." Nyko tells me plainly watching me pat Clarkes wound. I step aside so he can give her the medicine. I notice that the tent is now empty, the boy is gone. "What happened to the boy?" I ask as I tend to fidget wit the wet, and somewhat bloody rag in my hands. Not because i'm worried about the boy. Well sure I was but this was not the case, I was worried about Clarke right now more than anything. "He's healed, out training right now." Nyko tells me with a bit of enthusiasm in his voice. I don't react to his statement, instead I keep my gaze at Clarke, and her steady breathing. "Let me know when she wakes up." Nyko says. I can tell that he knows I want to stay with Clarke, which is why he didn't ask me if I should stay. I hear him exit the tent, my gaze still on Clarke. Tears start to well up in my eyes and I have no idea why. I blink them away and look up to think. Please let her be ok.

____________________________________________________________exciting right? lmao hope you enjoyed! next part soon!! <3

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