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Ravens Pov:
It's been 2 hours since the conversation in the tent. Octavia, Murphy, Clarke, Bellamy and I are sitting at a campfire by the corner of TonDc. We're sitting in silence as we hear a tent flap open, we look over and see it was the healers tent. Lexa walks out and spots us. She soon walks over to us slowly, slightly limping, and sits on the log, sitting next to Clarke, who had an empty seat next to her. She looks exhausted. Her eyes had somewhat dark circles under them, and she has a gloomy look on her face. "How are you feeling?" Clarke says as she gives Lexa a kiss on the forehead. Lexa shrugs, then leans her head on Clarkes shoulder. Clarke wraps her arm around Lexa for comfort and to support her body and rubs her arm where her hand was laying. I feel my face react in surprise, my mouth slightly drops open, I look over at Octavia who is just as surprised as I am, our eyes fill with surprise and excitement, and shockingly, so was Murphy's. I look over at Bellamy who has his head down, looking at the stick he's fidgeting in the dirt with by his feet. I look back at Octavia who's looking at Murphy. Octavia soon looks back at me and mouths something to me, 'Clexa' I manage to read her lips. I raise my eyebrows in shock, we both smile slightly at each other then look back over at Clarke and Lexa. Clarke looks at me annoyed, like she knows what we we're thinking. She rolls her eyes at Octavia and I, her face flushes and she shakes her head smiling, Lexa still laying on her shoulder. I mouth the words 'I ship' to her, but I don't think she understands, as she squints and slightly leans forward to me, trying not to disturb Lexa, as she has dozed off on Clarkes shoulder. I shake my head, she knows that it means i'll tell her later, then signal Clarke to look at her girlfriend who has fallen asleep on her. She looks over to her right shoulder and looks down at Lexa who was asleep, softly snoring on her shoulder. Bellamy looks up, just in time to see Clarke smile at Lexa and kiss her head.

Bellamy keeps his gaze on Clarke and Lexa as I look over at Murphy, who was sitting next to him, who raised his eyebrows at me, this one signals me a somewhat sarcastic 'what.' I glance at Bellamy than back to him, he looks over and sees him, now zoning out on them. He looks back at me, he cocks his head slightly, now raising his eyebrows signaling the exact words, 'holy shit.' I slightly laugh at him as I look over at Octavia who's noticed her brother gazing at Clarke and Lexa. She looks over at me and grins, she looks back at her brother and clears her throat before she speaks.

"So uh.. Bell.." She pauses to let Bellamy snap out of his trance and look at his little sister embarrassed, he knows we caught him glancing. Octavia continues as Bellamy's face flushes. "So um.. how's your girlfriend?" She says as she leans forward resting her elbows on her thighs. My jaw drops, and so does Murphy's as Octavia giggles at her joke. I try to hold in my laughter but Murphy bursts out laughing, leaning forward wrapping his arms around his stomach. I can't help but burst out laughing as well, I jerk my head back and I shut my eyes as my laughter comes out. I don't even have to look at Clarke to know she's laughing as well, as I hear her low giggling from the right of me. We all calm ourselves down and look at Bellamy for an answer, but we get anger in his eyes instead. We get a short awkward silence before Bellamy snaps back at his sister. "So, Octavia, how's Lincoln doing?" he says raising his eyebrows.

We all freeze. I see Lexas eyes flutter open in the corner of my eyes before I look over at Octavia, who's eyes are filled with shock and horror. It's like she's living the memory of Mount Weather all over again. "Bellamy!" Clarke says, sounding like a mom after their kid says something rude to their parent. Octavia, frozen like a statue, staring at the floor with horror and pain in her eyes, soon closes her eyes and exhales slowly. I cock my head at her slowly and put my hand on her thigh near her knee, attempting to be comforting. "You okay?" I say softly to her, knowing she's still in shock and definitely still grieving. She hesitates but then nods at me before putting her head in her hands. I wrap my arms around her and pull her head into my chest, giving her a warm hug. She soon lets go of her head and hugs back slowly, she hides her face in my chest as her grip on my back becomes tighter, but I could tell she was trying to control herself, by her shaky breath and sniffles. I soothingly rock her back and forth slowly, and rub her back letting her know she's ok, but that only seemed to make things worse. A sob escapes from her lips that leads her to burst into tears. I shush her in my arms as I continue to rock her and rub her back. "Bellamy what the hell?" Clarke says starting to get angry at him. Lexa lifts her head off Clarkes shoulder in shock, like she just woke up. Bellamy doesn't say anything, instead he gets up and walks toward me and Octavia, who was still saturating my shirt with tears. I give him a disappointed glare and shake my head as I continue to comfort her. He bends down to be leveled with Octavia, who starts to pick herself up from my chest slowly and gives Bellamy a death glare, her eyes still filled with tears, like she didn't let even half of it out. "Get the hell away from me!" She shouts as she shoots up from the log. "O I'm.." Octavia cuts him off with a slap in the face. My eyes widen as Octavias hand goes across his face. She soon puts her hand back to her side and walks back to her tent with her head in her hands. Bellamy tries to follow her but I cut him off. "The hell did you say that for?!" Clarke says walking up to Bellamy behind him, leaving Lexa sitting on the log, her head dropping, she can barely keep her eyes open. "I don't know I.. I lashed out." he says. I shake my head at him in anger and walk towards Octavias tent.

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