Mixed Emotions

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Ravens pov:

"Wick, Wick are you there?" It was check in time, every three hours.

"Raven.." I soon hear a voice from the radio.

It almost sounds.. familiar.

"Raven it's me.." The voice says again.

I finally piece things together.

"Cl- Clarke..?"

"Hey.. it's me.." Her voice comes from the radio.

"Oh my god.." I say in shock and disbelief.

Clarke chuckles in the radio then continues.

"We have a problem.."

My smile fades as I hear the word problem.

"What happened?" I ask.

I soon hear the tent flap open and Octavia walk in.

"We're gonna need a new plan.." Clarke says.

Octavias eyes widen and her mouth slightly drops open.

"Is that-" She pauses.

"Raven are you there?" Clarke asks.

"Oh my god.." Octavia walks over and sits on the stool next to me.

"Clarke?" Octavia says into the radio.

"Octavia..? Oh my god." Clarke says. Her static voice sounding grateful.

"I hate to interrupt the.. reunion, but we need a new plan, now. Get Lexa." I hear Wicks distant voice from the radio.

Octavia nods and runs out of the tent.

Lexas pov:

I see Octavia walking around, looking for someone.

I walk up to her, slightly nervous.

"Octavia?" I say.

"Lexa! Good! Okay just the person I was looking for, come on." She leads me to the tent.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" I ask nervously.

"Lexa..?" I hear Clarkes voice from the radio.

I freeze in utter shock.

"Oh my god.." I say under my breath.

"Lexa are you there? Is everything ok?" She asks sincerely.

"Oh my god.." I say again, tears welling up in my eyes.

Octavia, who's standing behind me, puts her hand on my shoulder.

But my body was like jelly. Like.. like I couldn't my hold myself up- which was true.

I start to drop to my knees after Octavia had put her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my god..!" I say crying.

Happy tears of course.

Octavia wraps her arms around me from behind and leads me on the floor gently so I don't injure myself.

"Raven? What's going on?" Clarke asks.

Raven slowly turns her head away from Octavia and I and talks to Clarke.

"I don't think anyone has been more relieved to hear your voice like Lexa.." She says softly.

I just know Clarke was smiling behind the radio.

Still softly crying, I manage to listen to the conversation.

"Raven? It's Kane.. look we need a new plan."

"Ok.. why what- what's going on?"

Kane sighs.

"Abby let Clarke go.."

"Ok.. isn't that a good thing..?"

"That's not the bad part- the bad part is.."

Kane pauses.

"Abby wants to kill Clarke.. tonight."

My head shoots up in fear.

But I soon fill with rage.

I get up and tug from Octavia grip.

"Lexa..?" Octavia says nervously but gently.

I say nothing, I'm so infuriated by that.. evil 'mother' that woman is.

I know I can't take my anger out on Octavia and Raven, they've done nothing wrong..

I turn to the desk in the tent and shove everything off the desk.

Throwing things on the floor, taking out my anger on a pen.

"Woah.. okay-" Octavia turns to Raven with a confused look.


"I'm fine just let me be." I say firmly.

The room is silent for a minute, then I hear Clarkes voice from the radio.

"Lexa.. Relax, please.." Clarke pleads softly.

I start to calm down.

I turn to the radio and sit on the stool next to Raven.

"You're not gonna shove me off the stool are you..?" Raven hesitantly asks.

"Shut up." I say.

Octavias eyes slightly widen, her eyebrows raised and she smiles, shocked at what I said.

"Okay.." Raven chuckles.

"Lexa.. we will get through this.. I will be alright." Clarke reassures me, which makes me feel slightly better.

I sigh, I look over at Octavia and Raven, who our looking at me, Raven nodding.

"Ok.. So what are we going to do.." I ask, ready to listen to their plan.

"That's what we were going to ask you.." Kane says in the radio.

We all look at each other.

We were stuck, with no plan to save Clarke.

__________________________________sorry for not writing at all recently, i recently kinda fell out of love with t100, so i didn't have much inspo nor motivation for this story, but i'll try to continue the story! this is pretty bad but hope you enjoyed :)

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