Extra Hands

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Montys pov:

This was all a lot to process.

Clarke is held hostage in the chancellors office, having an execution in two days. Our friends are stuck at TonDc, probably a target if they even come near Arkadia.

"Listen, I'm gonna be with Abby every time we see Clarke, so when ever we leave the room, i'll let you and Wick know the information." Kane says worried, but reassuring.

I nod and watch him exit the room, then look over at Jasper.

"What?" He cluelessly asks, fidgeting with the radio wire.

"I thought you hated Clarke, now you're helping us save her..?"

"Look.." He says sighing. Jasper continues,

"She may not be my favorite.. but.. Clarkes one of us, we can't just let her die."

A slight smile flickers across my face.

After Maya, I had no idea he'd be willing to save the girl who killed the women he loved.

"Yeah.. but we need a plan for after we save Clarke, like, where would we go?" Wick says, fiddling with a portable radio he was making for Kane, so he can talk to us from anywhere.

"TonDc.. I mean, once we take down Arkadia.."

I trail off.

"Wait.. we're killing people?" Jasper says again, clueless.

"Yes shit head, yes we are." A recognizable voice says coming from the door.

All our heads jolt up and turn to look at the door.


A sigh relieved sigh escapes my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I finally ask.

"Kane told me you guys could use the extra hand." She says while walking in and shutting the door, her voice low.

I give her a quick kiss on the forehead as she sits on the stool next to me, I smile at the giggle she lets out.

"Woahh ahaha.. dude.." Jasper says laughing.

"Jasper are you on something?" Harper asks cocking her head at him.

He shrugs sarcastically, and raises his eyebrows.

A silence goes by until Wick speaks up.

"Where was Kane?" He asks, focused on the radio.

"He stopped me by the cafeteria, told me to come to you guys.. he told me a brief summary of what's going on.." She says sighing.

A static voice from the radio cuts me off before I could reply.

"Wick? Wick are you there?" Ravens static voice says coming from the radio.

"Pick up for me, I'm busy." Wick says with a screwdriver in his mouth.

I quickly walk over to the radio as Raven repeats her words.

"Raven, it's Monty, we're here."

"Monty? Hey.. you guys are late. Every three hours means every three hours." She says annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, what's up?"

"Has Wick finished Kanes radio yet?"

"Working on it!" Wick says muffled with the screwdriver in his mouth.

"Well are you almost done?! Cause.." She pauses and lowers her voice.

"Cause Lexas kinda.. freaking out and it's.. hard to watch.."

"Yeah, just need to screw on this last piece."

The door opens and we all quickly turn. I turn off the radio, disconnecting from Raven. Wick puts the radio behind his back.


"What is all of this?" She says with a grin.

"Just.. testing stuff out, old designs and stuff." Wick blurts out.

"Hmph. Well we're having an meeting with all of Arkadia outside. Let's go." She says annoyed.

Kane soon walks in by the door frame, he nods at me.

"Give us a minute?" I say gently.

"Mhm.. don't be late." She says and walks out.

Everyone but Kane sighs of relief as he walks in and locks the door.

"The meeting is about the execution." He says walking towards us.

"Aha! Knew it! You owe me five bucks McIntyre!" Jasper says pointing at Harper, who's just looking at him confused.

"I didn't bet for shit.. Jasper, are you on something?" Harper says starting to get up.

Jasper giggles and hops off the table he was sitting on.

"He's definitely on something." Wick says fiddling with the radio.

"You think?" I scoff and walk over to him and grab his shoulders.

"Jasper, here drink water, it'll help get the drug out of your system." I grab a cup of water and give it to him.

"Hey did you turn off the radio?" Harper says walking over towards the radio.

"Shit!" I run over to the radio and turn it back on.

"Raven? Raven!" I say into the radio.

Static goes by.

"Great job algae boy." Wick says sighing.

Jasper laughs, pointing at me.

"Can you shut him up?" I ask Kane as Jaspers continuous laughter fills the room.

I turn back to the radio as Kane quiets down Jasper.

"Raven!" Harper says into the radio.

"God finally.. the hell happened?!" Her static voice came from the radio.

"Take over for me." I say handing the radio to Harper and walk over to Jasper.

Harpers pov:
"Raven? It's Harper." I say into the radio looking over at Jasper.

"Harper? What.. are you in on this?" Her static voice sounds confused.

"Yeah, Kane said you could use the extra hand.. look, there's a meeting today at Arkadia.. Kane says it's about the execution but, we have to check it out."

"Alright get to it.. Lexas prepping her warriors for the battle."

"Done! Ha! Not bad for an engineer." Wick says taking out the screwdriver in his mouth. He gets up from his chair and walks over to Kane.

"Here, we're making you mobile, so you can talk to us from anywhere without getting caught." He says giving the radio to Kane.

Kane nods and slips the radio in his pocket.

"About time Wick, doesn't take that long to make a radio." Raven says, even over the static you can hear the sarcasm and humor in her voice.

"Yeah yeah shut up." Wick says playfully.

"Alright, we have to make it to the meeting before Abby expects anything, every three hours?" I say turning back to the radio.

"Every three hours. Over and out." Raven says and the radio goes static.

I put down the radio, shut it off and turn to the others.

"Lets get to this meeting." Kane sighs.

Everyone nods and we all exit the room and head outside.

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