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Lexas pov:
I'm still shocked to what I just walked into. The way I had a gun pointed at me, from Bellamy, how Clarke jumped in front of the gun for me. She would take a bullet for me. She really does love me. We arrive at a door that has the words 'Chancellor's office' written on it. The guard knocks on the door. "Your mother should be in here." He says. Clarke nods as the door opens. I soon see a recognizable face behind the door. It was Kane. "Clarke?" he says in shock. "Commander wha- you're back?" He says opening the door all the way, where Clarke and I can see the whole room. Kane soon greets hug Clarke with a warm hug and laughs. "It's good to see you." He says. "You too." Clarke says with a smile. Kane looks over at me and looks me up and down. "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause any trouble, I come in peace, Im here for Clarke." I say to him plainly. He nods in relief. "Is my mom here?" Clarke asks while looking around the room. "Ah, yes she's just sleeping on the couch here." Kane says with a smile on his face. Clarke laughs slightly as we walk into the room.

Kane shuts the door behind him and glances at us then at Abby. Abby's eyes soon flutter open and adjust to the light. She soon recognizes Clarke and stands up in shock, and engulfs her daughter in a hug. "You're really here!" Abby says while laughing to cover the happy tears. She pulls back then looks at me, along with Clarke. Kane signals her that it's ok. She nods then looks at me and smiles. I slightly smile back. Abby looks back at her daughter who's still looking at me. I look at the floor and fidget with my glove awkwardly "How'd you survive?" Abby asks. I look over at Clarke and smile at her. "Lexa found me." Clarke replies, still looking into my eyes. I look away so Clarke, Abby and Kane don't see me blush, and look at the floor. "So um.. has there been any threats, or anything wrong?" I hear Clarke ask her mom. I look up again to see Abby staring at me. I freeze in shock and what seems to be a bit of fear. I calm myself down after Abby looks at Clarke and answers her question. I don't hear what she says as I am lost in my thoughts. Did I just get scared of Abby? What's happening? Could she tell I was scared? Did Clarke see? Do they think i'm weak? I'm woken up from my trance when I feel Clarkes arm around me. I notice that Abby and Kane have left the room. "Lex, you sure you don't want to head back to TonDc?" She asks me with sympathy. I take a deep breath before denying her question and we both walk out of the chancellor's office.

I follow Clarke to medical. Bellamy. Clarke opens the door and sees Octavia and Raven standing over Bellamy's bed. Ravens arm around Octavia, i'm assuming for comfort, but I could hear Octavias slight sobs from the door. Clarke and I gently approach Octavia and Raven, as I see Clarke put her hand on Octavias shoulder in comfort. I smile at how she was there for her. Clarke is so sweet. The kindest soul I know. I soon feel someone grab me from behind, it was a Skairkru guard. He covers my mouth and holds my arms down. I manage to get out a muffled scream but it was no use, the guard was silent, nobody even realized. My vision soon becomes blurry, as my body gets weaker, and can't fight it off anymore. I watch as the darkness takes over my sight, and am dragged out of the room.

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