Finding Lexa

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Octavias pov:
Guilt flows through my whole body while looking at Bellamy's passed out body. Raven and Clarkes comfort doing something, but I still feel horrible, but I'm glad I did it, for Lexa. I turn around to give myself a break from, whatever the hell you wanna call this, tugging from Clarke and Ravens grip and look at the floor. I fidget with my hands when my eyes spot something on the floor. It was some kind of black liquid. "Hey.. hey guys?" I say with confusion. I bend down to get a closer look. I don't even have to look at them to know they turned around to look at me, they must've thought I needed something. They're great friends, but this wasn't the problem right now. They both bend down beside me, looking as confused as I am. Clarke looks up and around the room in worry. "Lexa?" she soon spits out. Raven and I soon give each other looks of realization, then look up at Clarke who's already looking down at us in worry. It had to be Lexas blood. We get up and start to look around the Ark.

An hour goes by, we've checked the whole Ark at this point, no sign of Lexa. We make it back to medical and enter the room, back over at Bellamy's bed. "What the hell happened? I mean one second she was there and the other she wasn't!" Clarke starts to panic. I walk over to her and grab her shoulders, attempting to be comforting, and look at her with sympathy. "We'll find her Clarke. Don't worry." I say trying to be comforting but I know I completely failed by the look Raven gives me when I turn around to look at her. I roll my eyes at her then look back at Clarke who's looking at the floor with tears welling up in her eyes. I quickly pull her into a warm hug as she starts to cry into my chest. Raven runs over and rubs Clarkes back in comfort as I shush Clarke in my arms. She soon pulls away and turns around and leans on the table behind her catching her breath, trying to calm herself down. "There has to be a room we haven't checked? I mean, she couldn't have gone far." Raven says approaching Clarke. I stand behind the two zoned out into my own thoughts. Where could Lexa be? If Raven and Clarke weren't so worried about me they would've been able to keep Lexa safe. This is my fault. "Octavia!" I snap back to reality when Raven yells my name, both Clarke and Raven look at me concerned. Raven opens her mouth but I quickly interrupt her. "I'm fine." I blurt out. I watch as Raven closes her mouth and nods in denial. I scoff at her sarcastically then look over at Clarke. "You're right, there could be a place we hadn't checked, but we basically looked over this whole place." Clarkes head drops, I look down at my hands as I fidget with them, knowing Clarke may get angry at the statement. But she didn't, instead she looks up at me and grabs my shoulders, I look up as she looks at me in the eyes. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." She says as she rubs my shoulder. "Would you stop worrying about me?" I say with a smile as I continue. "Right now the priority is finding Lexa." Clarke nods with a smile signaling a 'thank you' as we all think of where Lexa could've gone. "Holy shit." I hear Raven say quietly. Clarke and I look at each other then to Raven. "The chancellors office! We didn't even look there!" She says hopeful. "Yeah because we were just in there.." Clarke trails off as her eyes light up with hope and excitement. Raven nods at her with a grin. "They'd think we wouldn't have thought of her going back to where she just was!" Raven adds. "There were at least two guards in front of that door when we passed by, there were no meetings scheduled either." I say looking at Clarke in realization. We all look at each other in silence. We all soon exit medical and head to the chancellor's office.

Lexas pov:
My vision soon becomes visible again. I blink out the blur as I lift my head as a throbbing pain shoots through my head. "Ahh." I say lowly in pain. I look around at my surroundings, I realize I'm in the chancellor's office. I try to get up from the chair I'm laying on but as soon as I try to lift myself up my body shoots back down. I look down at my stomach and notice a restrain around my waist. Looking around my body I notice restrains around my wrists and ankles as well. I try to fight my way out of them by kicking and squirming in my seat but that only made matters worse. A guard walks over from behind me and stares at me dead in the eye. I freeze as I stare back at him. He soon looks up over my chair and nods. "She's awake." He says with an evil grin. Another guard walks in front of me with a radio. "Chancellor, she's awake." He says into the radio. I watch as the other guard opens the door, my eyes widen at the person behind the door. She walks toward me and bends forward so our faces are leveled. "Hello again, Lexa, I'm chancellor Abby Griffin."

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