Ch. 56 - Return of the Valiant, the Gallant, the Brave Heroes

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"But, Levi... Can you see them? Our comrades? Our comrades are looking at us. They want to know what became of the hearts they gave. Because the fighting isn't over yet."

By the time Reyes knocked on the guest room door to wake me up that morning, I was already awake. I, truth, I had been awake for a while now, for I was unable to sleep more than an hour at a time throughout the whole night.

The reasons as to why are, in my eyes, obvious. I'll elaborate anyway.

My heart was a fitful mess, one that made it difficult to sleep. That was both making it too simple, yet also making it far too complicated. It was hard to comprehend, and yet, it was all I could feel at the moment and I wanted desperately to understand it.

Perhaps even if my body was here, safe in a bed in Trost, and distinctly not present for the mission, my spirit was with my scouts, for I seemed to be in an instinctively awakened state of being. On missions, my body was all too used to having and keeping my wits about me, and being ready to wake up and spring into action at the slightest noise, and though I was safe here, my body settled into that dynamic on its own.

All of this to say, it was hard for me to sleep. I was just too worried.

At this point, the scouts were assuredly already in Shiganshina and were knee-deep in the operation to reclaim the lost territory. Of course, there were two gates to secure, not just one in Trost that Eren had blocked with the rock.

Assuming Eren could control his Titan for that long, it should be an easy thing for him to use his newfound hardening abilities and restore the integrity of the gates - but as I said, it should, especially with the support of the entire regiment behind him. And hell, as I knew, with Levi to have my back, I felt I could do anything. So, if Eren had the entire regiment including Levi, and additionally Mikasa and Armin and his friends, and the hopes of all of humanity to be the air beneath his wings, I was sure he could.

He'd trained for two months for this very purpose, and he was by now very good at it. It was just a matter of him controlling himself, though the support of his closest friends and trusted comrades would surely help.

But there were certainly plenty of dangers waiting for them.

For one thing, who knew how many Titans were crawling around Wall Maria right now? The last time we pressed into Titan territory was for the 57th Expedition, but that wasn't to purge Titans, that was to lure intelligent ones out.

Now, they were cutting through to the heart of the problem - Shiganshina, the point through which Titans were able to meander in. If I had to bet, I'd say they were absolutely swarming the streets of Shiganshina, and not just that district, but all of Wall Maria. I wasn't sure if the other three districts of Maria were closed off after the citizens evacuated, but it was likely safe to say that there were Titans there, too. It's what I would expect, anyway.

The new recruits were hopefully holding their own, leaving the Titan-fighting to the seasoned Scouts.

Oh, but if... if this mission was successful, then expeditions would surely commence to kill all the Titans, but with this growing child in my belly... I would have to sit them out.

There was nothing to be done about it, especially right now.

With a yawn, I finished buttoning up my shirt and tucked it into my skirt. I had let the dog out of the room early this morning, probably around daybreak, once it hopped off the bed. I'd been awake anyway, so it wasn't exactly an inconvenience, but I was effectively left alone. As I picked up my boots and sat down on the edge of the bed to pull them on, there was another knock on the door, different from the one Reyes used to "wake me up" this morning only a few minutes ago so that I could join him and Edith for morning tea - this was a hurried knock, accompanied by his voice.

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