Ch. 46 - A Plan Coming Together

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There was something incredibly, uniquely special about seeing someone live a dream, and finally fulfill something they've always wanted to. Ever since the idea was planted in our heads that we just might make it to the surface, Farlan had expressed his desire to see the sun rise on one edge of the horizon and set on the other, from the highest point possible.

It was something that none of us had ever gotten to see, and the rumors of it happening seemed almost too good to be true. I mean, to see the sun by itself was one thing, but to watch it rise on one end of the sky and set in the other? How was it possible? And did it actually happen?

We had no way to tell, but Farlan made it clear that he wanted to see it, though he made it clearer that he was skeptical of the entire thing being true at all. Honestly, I think he wanted it to be true, but he remained cynical and skeptical to protect himself from possible disappointment.

Well, while the way we got to the surface wasn't what we anticipated - alright, hold on. It was very much not at all what we wanted. I mean, instead of us paying our way up and buying our own citizenship and buying our own home and using our own money, we got to bypass all of that by being made into soldiers. It wasn't ideal, exactly... but it would do for all intents and purpose today.

Similarly, the way Farlan got to live out this dream of his wasn't exactly what he anticipated, but it worked, and we all got to be there for it.

Apparently, it was routine for soldiers fresh out of training to be subjected to the awful punishment of cleaning the wall, but to be frank, I didn't mind it. Was it a chore, a clear one? Yes, but I was no stranger to that. Was it mindless and nauseating? Of course, but Levi had long since desensitized us to that sort of thing.

If it had one consolation... it was the view.

It was our first time atop the wall, and to think, we had gone from being as deep underground as was possible to as high in the sky as this...

Flagon had led us here, telling us that we were to scrub until our fingers bled. But really, who was to enforce that, when he'd left? He wasn't here anymore, and no one was here atop the wall save for a few Garrison soldiers several paces away checking on their cannons or something, but even they were chatting away and enjoying the sunrise.

I figured we could take a page out of their book, right? I mean honestly, it was shaping up to be a beautiful morning, so why waste it by working? We'd gotten here before dawn, and now that the sun was sure to rise, we all stopped scrubbing, at least for now, to watch in silence as the sun rose over the horizon.

We had traveled here, to the southernmost district of Wall Maria, and here at the edge of humanity's reach... I knew that we weren't actually free, that we weren't beyond the walls, that we were still trapped, that lying dormant just waiting for the sun to rise were Titans, slumbering peacefully. But from way up here... it was all too easy to at least pretend that we were free, and I think we all were.

For now, I took the lead. I set my brush down and crouched down by the edge of the wall. "Amaya?" Farlan called, pausing in his movements. I was suddenly the attention of three sets of eyes as I lowered myself to sit on the edge of the wall and let my legs hang over the side. "What are you doing? It's not like you to shirk your work."

"No," I agreed. "But I think we deserve a break, don't you?"

When I gestured with a movement of my head towards the horizon, Farlan's eyes followed my own and he smiled, cluing into what I meant. He sat down next to me with hardly a single moment wasted, and I was soon flanked by Isabel, too.

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