Ch. 92 - The Premier

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"I'll make sure you feel it a month from now, love."

And surely he had done enough to warrant that. More than enough, actually.

Realizing where I was, and remembering who I was with, I began to relax - or at least, I tried to, anyway. It was in truth very hard to relax when I felt so euphoric, when my very being was alight with fire, when my every nerve ending was hyper-sensitive to touch, no matter how gentle or delicate.

I drew a deep breath in, an effort to force my heart to slow and my body to calm down, but when I accidentally released it in a low, whining sort of moan, Levi's hips twitched, and because he was still inside me, the simple movement sent a ripple of pleasure running all the way up my spine and then down to my fingers, my toes.

"Ah," I gasped out. "Dammit, Levi..."

"Tch," he muttered right away. "Don't you dare blame that on me."

I made a conscious effort to flatten my palms against his back, and I could feel the fiery, angry streaks I'd run into his skin. When I ran the pads of my fingertips along the tracks with a feather-light touch, he let out a shuddering breath that ghosted across my collarbones and brought goosebumps to my arms.

Levi lowered his forehead to rest against my shoulder. His breathing was shallow, his entire body trembling and cased with sweat. I felt a strike of sickening delight at that, because I, of all people, and this, of all things, could make him sweat - the infallible, unbeatable, inexhaustible soldier.

If I could find solace in one thing right now, it was that Levi was having just as hard a time calming down as I was. Beside my head, he curled his hand into a fist, clenching it tight; and with a smile, I took that hand in my own.

Recognizing I was moving, he adjusted, lifting his head from my shoulder and shifting his weight to his other arm. I guided his hand closer to me, and in both hands, smoothed it out. With all my focus on his hand, scarred from cuts and slashes and calluses, I straightened his fingers out and massaged it, working the tension from it.

I glanced up at him beneath my eyelashes, sending him a coy, almost embarrassed smile because after such an intense moment, this was what my heart decided it wanted to do. Levi was flushed, but from exertion, not from - oh, there it was. It was embarrassment, but more of a shyness than anything else.

"Levi," I murmured, though I wasn't sure why I said it - I had no words to follow. Levi picked up on this and chuckled, shaking his head indulgently. I watched his bangs shift as he did, that dark curtain looking terribly cute from this angle.

Tonight was a new moon. No moonlight streamed into our bedroom - in place of that, we lit a single candle, one that was admittedly burning more than we anticipated it would tonight. Though I so loved seeing him bathed in moonlight, seeing him awash in the fire's gentle glow was certainly a gift, too.

"Levi, Levi, Levi," I cooed, bringing his hand to my face. I kissed his knuckles, letting my eyes flutter closed so I could focus entirely on him, of him inside me and all around me, his weight against me and the hot feeling of all his kisses and touches from earlier still seared on my skin.

"Maya," he said affectionately, simply watching on as I did what I wanted. After one final kiss I guided his hand to cup my cheek then, and even once my hands drew away from his, he palmed my cheek lovingly.

I wondered what I looked like to him, in that moment. My hair down and about my head, surely messy from the events of the night, and my cheeks surely ablaze, and-

"You're so beautiful, Maya," he murmured.

Overcome with emotion, I took his cheeks into my hands and drew him closer to me so I could press a kiss to his forehead. "Oh, sweetheart," I murmured. "I..." I began to say one thing, then hesitated. "I don't want to be without you. Not even for a day. But a month..."

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