Chap 8 forgiveness

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Previously on FRIEND TO FOE...

"Wait do you two know each other?",Hakeem asked with confusion on his face....

🌺Lily🌺 POV

I wasn't down for any drama tonight, my day was already filled with it, and if i stay here any longer Miguel and I would have it out, so I'll order room service, watch a few episodes of the parkers and relax until bed time.

'Will you two gentlemen excuse me, I'll be taking my leave now. It was nice meeting you Hakeem hope to see you again' getting up from the table ready to walk away from them, noticing Miguel's eyes never leaving my ass from the corner of my eye.

"Lily can you make a brother happen and give me your number beautiful?" Hakeem asked me.

Turning around to face him Miguel eye's moved to his direction sending daggers in Hakeem's right side of his face, clenching his jaw clearly annoyed.

One thing I've observed with him is that he has become emotionally constipated not allowing himself to show or express himself like he use to in the words of his sister. According to Trish he has been hurt badly by his ex wife, I don't know the extend of his pain but he has to communicate his feelings and open up. So if I have to push him to get a reaction I will.

Walking towards Hakeem stoping in front of him on my tippy toes, gently pressing my lips against his cheeks 'maybe next time I see you handsome' biting my lips winking at him swaying my hips from side to side walking away once again.

Hearing "damn!" behind my back.

Going up the elevator I shake myself loose from this nervous feeling I get at the pit of my stomach when am around Miguel, it gets the best of me don't matter how I try to pretend.

Closing my room door behind me, leaning my back and head tilted against it. Releasing a sigh of relief from just being in his presence, lord please help me keep my cookies in the cookie jar the temptation is real, because if i lose whatever little self control I have this time Trish may not forgive me for fucking her brother behind her back.

Picking up my phone there was a few miss calls from Nathan, to be quite blunt I don't want to talk to his contrary ass right now but low key I was hoping to see trish number popped up on my screen.

After checking my notifications I ordered some BBQ ribs, potato salad and wedges with my favorite drink tropical punch juice.

Room services said it will take thirty minutes for the food to get here, so I decided on a quick shower in some streaming hot water to melt my stress levels down and raging hormones. Any time longer without some dick I might start to shake like I have Parkinson disease.

After twenty minutes of deep cleansing, I stepped out the shower dried and moisturized my skin.

Walking to the closet where I packed my clothing looking for my pajama button ups but it wasn't there.

'Did I forget it at home' I asked myself standing with my hands on my chin wondering if i left it on the bed somewhere, I was in such a hurry.

I picked up my duffle bag to check one more time and there it was bundled up in the corner of the bag, taking it out I notice it was tightly wrapped up around something. Shaking the sheer material loose over the bed and its my rose that fell out.

I forgot I wrapped it up so it wouldn't be missed place and boy am I happy, 'rose you have to rock my uterus tonight!' I mumbled to myself placing it on the nightstand.

Knock! Knock! knock! "Room service to Ms Lily" the concierge announced.

Time went by so fast, I didn't bother to put on my pajamas, 'Coming' I answered putting on my robe walking to the door.

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