Chap 28 Evidence

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Previously on Friend to Foe...

🌺Lily🌺 POV

Waking up to hear muffled voices and a beeping sound in the background while I fight to open up my heavy eyelids.

Moving my limp joints to sit up "ah...hmm" I tried to speak but it came out like a distressed groan, nevertheless someone came up to the side of me fixing the pillows behind my back.

Blinking my eyes to clear up my blurred vision, it was Mrs Murphy that was next to me, then the doctor and two nurses rushed to my aid immediately realizing that I was in the hospital.

"Baby girl relax do you want some water?" Mrs Murphy asked but my throat was so dry and grainy as if I ate sand. I nod my head covering my eyes from the bright light from penetrating my retinas.

"Here you go Ms Francis" one of the nurse hand me a cup of room temperature water, "thank you" I croaked as loud as my voice permitted me.

"You're pregnant" still hearing Dr Lloyd voice ringing in my head, I can't believe I'm going to be a mummy and a single one at that.

My mother always use to say you never know if your life could change in a split second and she was right.

She was a wise and humble woman, hopefully I could be half the woman and mother she was to me.

In all the chaos I was sent a blessing from God and I'm beyond grateful dispite the fact that Miguel and I are not together anymore, the only challenge is telling him he's about to be a father, but I can't worry about that right now I need to find out if my baby is okay.

"Ah emm!" clearing my quenched throat before I speak.

"Doctor is my baby okay" looking at his humble smile, he could be about sixty two years old with his white wrinkled skin and receding hairline.

Everyone was circled around the bed, Mrs Murphy on my right and the doctor on the left, "we had to figure out what was wrong so we draw some blood and indeed you are pregnant however we can't determine the health of the baby by just blood so we have to do a ultrasound but right now, we have to concentrate on hydrating you and gor you to get some rest, if you need anything just press the button on the bed".

He was so pleasant and he was right, my body do need rest.

Mrs Murphy and I was in the room by ourselves now and I could see the concerned look on her face, "Lily...I don't know what happened but I'm not going to intrude in your business, just know that I am here for you whenever you feel like releasing your burdens" giving me a tight smile.

I might have to take her up on that offer she looks like a woman with experience and wisdom to share, having a lot on my mind coming over here all by myself to get away from the bullshit that has happened and boom now I'm pregnant, suddenly not alone anymore.

I hope its a girl so she can be my little bestie, to comb her hair and dress alike, would she look like her dad or me, so much of my emotions and thoughts colliding together.

"Yes I will but, I....I ne..."

"It's okay baby girl, not right now probably when you get home and more relaxed. I'm going home now to Mr Murphy so you can take a nap, look over there" she pointed to my handbag on the chair "I packed some clothes for you just in case and so happen you do need it, but I'll be back later on tonight to check up on you" she then kissed my forehead and  brought over the bag for me so I won't have to get up before she left.

 I'm going home now to Mr Murphy so you can take a nap, look over there" she pointed to my handbag on the chair "I packed some clothes for you just in case and so happen you do need it, but I'll be back later on tonight to check up on you" she the...

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