Chap 21 Couples Retreat

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Previously on Friend to Foe...


"Babe give me your bags I don't want you carrying no heavy load, just sit in the car while I put these in the trunk" he said taking my luggage's from my hands walking towards the car.

This morning Miguel woke up earlier than his usual five o'clock gym time, when I got up to urinate he was nowhere in sight. I went looking for him yawning with droopy eyes and all downstairs where he was seated with his laptop on the table researching on pcos. I watched him as he read everything writing down notes, my eyes begin to tear up.

Since then he's been babying me more than usual, don't lift this don't do that, which i absolutely dont mind, he was so adorable.

Thai and Miguel walked in front while Trish and I followed their lead. "How did it go when you reach home, are you two good" Trish asked concerned.

We did not discuss anything after we left the shop and when i came home after our shopping spree so I guess that's why she was curious to know.

'We're... Okay for now, you know your brother and his ego, he won't feel better until he satisfy his mind but you were right I should have tell him about Derrick and as for us with my condition, he didn't at all. When he said he is in love with me I wanted to ride him until my knees give out and carry all his babies' I said dead serious.

Trish tilted her head back cracking up, her laugh was so contagious I couldn't help but join her, "girl you so silly but I told you so, I can't wait for him to express exactly how he feels about you the way he talks to me about you, or the way his eyes twinkle at the mention of your name. That's probably why Emily is trying so hard to put a wedge between you two because she knows there's no coming back for her and as for the both of them hoes, they will get what's coming to them...this world is so small lily it's not even funny, what are the odds of them two knowing each other".

'Em hmm only facts boo, but I can't shake the feeling they're up to no good' I agreed before we said our see you laters and leave the airport in separate cars.

Watching the scenery before me as the car passes these beautiful land marks, homes and architectural structured buildings and not to forget nature, the the snow was a bonus.

Never thought I would be in Switzerland much less with a man that I love in my entire life, I've always wanted to go South Africa and other place but here never crossed my mind. I might do what Miguel did and surprise him on a trip to south Africa with all this money he sends me.

"Sweet p you good, why you so quiet" kissing me on my neck hugging me tighter. I turn to face him 'this seems so surreal babe, just soaking it all in' which was the truth, my life changed for the better with Miguel in a matter of months, I love him so much for that.

The car stopped in front of this stunning cabin, bigger and more beautiful in person the picture did no justice. 'Miguel... this is just, wow!' he chuckled at how I amazed I was, "I know you will love it, wait till you go inside"  kissing me on the forehead.

 this is just, wow!' he chuckled at how I amazed I was, "I know you will love it, wait till you go inside"  kissing me on the forehead

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