Chap 20 The truth

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🌺I wanted to give y'all two chapters but here's one in the meanwhile, tonight I'll post the next one🌺

Previously on Friend to Foe.....

"Lily and M have a seat, Thai and I have something to tell you"....

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

For the last two days Lily was having a battle between her heart and mind on how to tell Miguel, finally finding the man of her dreams and now faced with this situation. One day hoping to have a family of her own was not as easy for her like most women.

The very day before their trip here she was sitting by the window in her shop waiting on Trish to arrive to do some last minute shopping. Wiping away her constant tears, gathering herself together as best as she can before her friend comes because Trish can read her a mile away.

The initial plan was for Trish to meet Lily at the shop then get to the mall immediately after so they would have sufficient time to pack but Lily had other plans, sjhe needed to vent.

"Lily hunni sorry I'm late you ready to shop till you dr..." She paused when she saw her friend teary eyed that Lily tried so hard to disguise, "boo you okay why you crying?!, what did my brother do, I'll kill him, where the hell is he..." Trish rant.

Lily watched Trish as she frantically dig in her hand back assuming she was searching for her phone.

"Trish hunni it's not Miguel, it's me..." Lily started crying all over again. She buried her face in the palm of her hands, without hesitation Trish run to her friend's rescue.

"Shhhh it's okay mama, everything's going to be alright just breathe for me" she consoled her.

Trish already knew where all of this was coming from, they had a brief conversation about Lily's health condition but not in Dept, she never saw her so depressed about it before.

Don't matter how many times she reassured Lily Miguel is not going anywhere solely based on his words she never believed her. Trish realized that this is something she has to do on her own.

"Trish I have to tell him, I don't want to mislead him thinking that everything is going to be laughs and giggles, I... Love him to much Trish..." Lily admitted.

The thought of Miguel leaving her crippled her heart, even worst, humiliation....

"Lily you have polycystic ovaries not a incurable disease, stop being so hard on yourself. There might be a chance you will get pregnant boo forget what that doctor said, God is in control and I believe you will, you and Miguel always fucking like some rabbits. My brother is in love with you and he won't be going anywhere, trust me" Trish said wiping away her tears.

A couple of months ago, Miguel confided in his sister about his feelings for lily. Its was so scary to him that he fell in love with her that quickly, he needed reassurance that he's not overeating.

Although what Trish said is true, it was difficult for Lily to look on the bright side, she have confined herself in her own mental prison by anticipating the worst to happen. "What if i can't give him his kids, what if he chooses to leave me".... " what if who choose to leave?" Miguel's voice fright both Trish and Lily.

Lily heart dropped to her ass, a Siple fart would have her literally heartless.

"Miguel I almost shit myself! What are you doing here?" Trish hold her chest flabbergasted.

Lily was too but her mind was malfunction the minute she heard his voice, what if he heard them.

"Hey babe I wasn't expecting you here" lily question him confused but Miguel had something on his mind to say face to face and he wanted to hear what conversation they were having that shock them so bad when he walked through the door.

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