Chap 9 Emotional damage

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Previously on Friend to Foe.....

"Lily I want you..." he whispered out kissing me again.

"By the way Trish is expecting your call I somehow convinced her to give you a chance to explain yourself" he said with his hands in his pocket next to the bedroom door....

🌺 Lily🌺 POV

In between sleep and wake I stretched my left hand carelessly towards the night stand searching for my phone to turn it on. Still twisting and turning trying to wake my limbs up from deep slumber.

''Oh my goodness I need to pee'' I groaned crawling out of bed like a snail holding my crotch. Easing myself on the toilet seat releasing my aching bladder, sighing of the pleasure of my morning urine. Pushing myself off the toilet my legs were still a little shaky so i had to balance myself walking to the sink.

I haven't slept so good in awhile thanks to that rose. It was so intense made me feel like I was having sex with a tasor, that thing satisfy me so good I have to give it a nickname because I will be using it more often.

Washing my face then brushing my teeth before I do anything else for the day. Today is more of a relaxing day for me, to more reflect and soul search on myself and what I want to do with my life a few years from now, just being peaceful, content and happy with myself and who ever I choose to be with.

Miguel immediately invaded my thoughts with what he said last night "Lily I want you..." I remembered very clearly, on a night with lots of alcohol I would've definitely gaggle his balls like Listerine and give him my pussy on a silver platter but I promised myself next relationship has to be done right, if it blossom into a relationship anyway.

Rushing into situations is what causes problems and this scenario is no different i need him to work on himself, be a little more open and ready to receive love without doubt and hesitation.

For some reason this whole situation have me thinking what is my next move for my life. I love my job and business, I want to travel the world and have a family in the near future.

All done for now in the bathroom, walking on the balcony with my phone I wanted to call Trish but I couldn't help but feel indecisive about calling her. What if I call and she cusses me out, or be rude.

I can handle a lot of things but embarrassment and being condescending to me is not one of them.

Looking at the phone screen to call her I was baffled, ''what! It's 1:30 in the afternoon!'' I shouted scaring my own damn self. I had no idea I slept in so late no wonder the place is so hot outside, that's what a good orgasm did to my body, almost put my ass in a coma.

Taking a few deep breaths before pressing the call bottom putting it on speaker.

It rang three times before she picked up, "hey" with her gruff soft voice sounding like she has been screaming or crying non stop.

''Hey Trish how are you'' I asked trying to approach her carefully.

She chuckle before answering "well am getting a divorce because my so call husband cheated on me, my evilbmother is torturing me about it and my only friend lied to me, but life is great!", she said. Sarcastic I know right but I didn't wanted to add fuel to the fire.

I've learn that she is a very emotional person so I have to analyze what and how I speak to her.

''Trish....hear me out before you label me as the worst friend in history, if I told you that Camry and I knew each other growing up but she wasn't much of a friend would you believe me?'', I asked.

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