Chap 23 My turn

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Previously on Friend to Foe...

'Fine, fuck you then' she walked out of the bathroom to go get her dildo in he luggage...


I thought of whipping his ass like that woman did to her husband on the movie This Christmas but I'll deal with his ass another way, I don't want him choking me to death.

'Where the fuck did I put that dam dil...',"it's not there lily I took it out when I was zipping up your suitcase at home", he walked out of the bathroom skin glistening and his dick hanging low like a chandelier.

I hate this big dick stupid ass son of a bitch right now, sexual frustration and anger don't mix that's why I want to rip his head off, 'why the fuck would you do that Miguel I need it' clearly annoyed, I can't catch a damn break with this man.

"No the fuck you don't and watch your mouth, go take a shower and let's get some rest sweet p, chop chop!" walking past me as he smacked my ass then went rummaging through his luggage.

Gosh I can't sleep another night without an orgasm, not tonight!...

"You're lucky i left the handcuffs in there, if you stop acting up we might get to use them" wait a damn minute, I forgot i brought those, thank goodness he reminded me, since he thinks he's teaching me a lesson I'll show his ass one as soon as he falls asleep.

I played it cool, taking a shower, moisturizing my body, doing my skin care routine and putting on my fairly decent pj, acting normal as possible I can't afford to sabotage my plan.

A few hours later in the middle of the night Miguel laid his head on my chest with his face snuggled in between my breast comfortable as a new born sleeping like a corpse.

I have to let loose from his death grip first then figure out a way to cuff his wrists without waking him up.

Slowly taking his arm that was wrapped around my stomach and tucked in my back, moving it from under me to his side, gently rolling him over on to his back.

He was a little too much on my side of the bed so I took a deep breath moved his weighty body to the center so that both hands can reach the bed frame without any strain on his arms, 'perfect' I huff out in relief, thank goodness he's a deep sleeper.

Okay... one down one more to cuff, tip toeing around the bed to the other side lifting his hand up, and... Click! there you go 'whew!'. I was holding that in since I got off the bed.

I'm not playing nice tonight, I'll literally fuck the breath out of him just for torturing me and I know exactly what will help me with that. Taking my time down the stairs to get me a shot of vodka, that's the only alcohol I can consume without feeling intoxicated after one glass.

One and...throwing another in the back of my throat, that's two!, that will help me bring my hoe side out.

"Lily!!!, the fuck are you doing!, Lily...." Miguel shouted from upstairs, 'shit!' why did he have to wake up, I wanted him to stifle when I sit on his face.

'Coming daddy' snickering to myself jugging up the stairs, I can hear him struggling against the headboard, I know he's pissed but I don't care it's his fault.

'Hey babe I di' "Lily Francis get this shit off me now!" Oooh big daddy mad... but that's to bad because I'm not taking it off.

'No!' I simply said, let him argue with the walls not me.

"Babe am sleepy I can't do this with you right now, come take these off". Completely ignoring his plight, I started taking off my clothes one piece at a time.

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