Chapter 41 Surprise!

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🌺Narrator🌺 POV

Lily was beginning to get impatient with Miguel and his long driving, cruising to the "anniversary party" but little did she know they were driving in circles, although it was only ten minutes she felt that it was longer than that "Miguel Taylor if you don't hurry up...".

He already knew how upset she was pretending to forget his baby day but they all set a plan in place and him especially had to stick to his role.

"I know baby almost there" he said turning the same street he was circulating for the last ten minutes.

Blindfolding Lily to walk right next door made no sense, so to make the surprise believable Miguel decided to drive around for a few minutes hence the reason why he lied about where they were going but then Trish texted him asking to give them a extra five to finish up the last touches.

"Sweet p we're here" he climbed out the car running over to her side.

"Come on mama take your time I don't need you falling to hurt you and my baby" carefully guiding her out the car.

"Can I take this off now, it's not like I don't know where they live" Lily said shrugging nonchalantly.

"Lily no not..."

"You know what, fuck this" she cut him off literally snatching the cloth off of her eyes. "Listen to me Miguel! I can't believe you forGOT my fucking BIRTHDAY!!!" pointing her hands in his face.

Her eyes were burning, tears wanted to flow not just with anger but she was genuinely hurt, tired of holding her tongue pretending like everything was okay.

Miguel had no choice other than to stay quiet like a child getting scolded, if only he could drag her by the door to show her nobody forgot. The way he was staring dumbfounded with no word of comfort or apology made her feel even more furious.

"I can't believe you have nothing to say, you making me regret giving you another fucking chance and move on to somebody who could at least remember my dam birthday, I will never forget something like that when it comes to you...".

Lily was blinded by so much rage she didn't realize that they were parked in his driveway until she looked around, "why are we here Miguel I thought we supposed to....never mind, I have to give these fuckers a piece of my mind too".

With that she tried her best to walk as fast as she can wobbling side to side. One swollen foot in front the other, "bitches always at my dam house eating out all of my fucking food and all of a sudden they choose to disappear today....huh! how convenient " she mumbled to herself.

It was Miguel turn to feel hurt standing by the car in the same spot watching her walk towards the door, call him sensitive but to hear her say that felt like a blow to his stomach and not to forget he's going to pop the question later on, that just messed him up in the head a bit.

"You bit...", " SURPRISE!!! " the whole house erupted with screams of joy, the whole entourage and then some was there with balloons and glasses filled with beverages of every kind waiting to greet her when the light switched on.

The tears of anger changed into tears of joy, holding on to her chest and covering her mouth. When Nathan and mama Emma came out from the crowd she almost fainted.

They engulfed her in a hug crying along with her, Lily couldn't breathe. Mama Em wiped her eyes admiring at how much she has changed and how beautiful she looked, "Lily baby you're glowing and you're looking so gorgeous, I can't believe that I am about to be a grand mom. I'm very proud of you and the woman you've become baby girl, good to see Miguel is taking good care of you", that's when it hit Lily.

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