Chap 30 By my rules

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Previously on Friend to Foe....

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

"Nate is everything okay?!....NATE!!" Lily screamed in the phone with her heart racing. When she heard Nathan said "don't shoot me please" her body start to shake uncontrollably.

Nate completely forgot he was on the phone dropping it on the floor with fright taking over his body, he's man enough to admit Miguel scared the shit out of him with that sinister look on his face.

Nate completely forgot he was on the phone dropping it on the floor with fright taking over his body, he's man enough to admit Miguel scared the shit out of him with that sinister look on his face

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With Lily screaming through the phone it draw both of their attention "pick it up" Miguel said in his low deep voice nudging the silencer in its direction. Without hesitating he did " here c-can I call..." '"Are you okay?, who's going to shoot you?!! Nate...what's going on?".

Nate tried to tell her that he has to go but she cut him off with a series of questions and didn't realize it wasn't Nate she was talking to anymore.

Miguel snatched the phone from him listening to her panicky voice spewing out words from her mouth. "Lily..." his voice deep and shaky. "M...Miguel?" whispering, it's like her voice barely wanted to come out.

Nate stood on the side watching Miguel's face as if he wanted to cry but make no mistake his eye was back and forth between his face and the gun in his hand.

"M please don't hurt my brother he has no clue where I am" Lily literally begged him with her croaking voice from all that screaming. She was getting emotional as well with her pregnancy hormones and the fear of what he might do to Nate.

She knows how he could get when he's angry, like a loose cannon. In the back of her mind devising a plan to defuse the situation quickly before Nate suffers the consequences of her actions.

"Why Lily.... WHY!! DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU ARE PREGNANT WITH OUR CHILD!" his voice started off soft then screaming like a maniac jumping the both of them.

"I know you are angry with me but come on, that's my child too" his voice cracked.

She went silent knowing that he's right, and that's the same thing Mrs Murphy said but Lily is woman enough to admit her wrongs, "I admit that I am wrong and I'm sorry for that, but the last time I checked Miguel you blocked me. You don't know how bad it hurt me that the man I love didn't trust me in that moment, over your ex...YOUR EX MIGUEL!, and Trish, she was supposed to be my friend but instead y'all fucking crucified me" she said with tears in her eyes.

Miguel demeanor relaxed a bit when she said that but little did she know he didn't block her, "I didn't block you Lily I destroyed the phone" a few days after he broke up with her when she kept calling and he was frustrated.

"Sweet p please stop crying I don't want you and my baby to be under any stress, I'm so sorry for hurting you please forg..." he stopped when he heard her outburst.

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