Chapter 39 Ooh baby!

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Previously on Friend to Foe...

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

Lily watched her hands glide over his tattooed glistening skin, feeling the tense muscles on his back, taking her time being gentle but applying pressure when necessary.

It was soothing and therapeutic for her giving him as much as him receiving.

The harmonious subtle music playing in the background creating a peaceful and calm space, "babe this feels so good, I might have to higher you and those magic fingers after this" she smiled at his words while pouring more oil in her hand, "turn around baby daddy" Lily teased knowing how much it irritated him to hear her call him that.

The truth is she likes to get on his nerves sometimes, "Lily don't start with that shit the night is going too good" he scolded but she was busy silently mocking him while his head was turn in the other direction.

"Just hush, I don't know why you mad it's the truth" she retort.

"Well I would make you my wife but your pregnant ass is always mean to me" Miguel shot back sticking his tongue out, two grown adults bickering and behaving like toddlers.

That's not the first time he called Lily mean but she honestly didn't think so of herself.

Knock! knock! knock! an unexpected sound by the front door disturbed before she could think of something witty to say.

They didn't have a chance to answer much less open the door, Trish comes barging in holding up pictures with tears cascading down her face.

Miguel was now propped up on his elbows covered with just a towel from his v line to his knees and Lily was on her knees on the floor.

When Trish rudely invaded their privacy Lily mouth was cocked and ready to offload some offensive words but then she realized the tears rolling down her rosey cheeks then her mind changed instantly, "are you okay what happen?" Lily questioned.

Miguel however did not give damn, absolutely no one is going to cock block what he's been waiting on for forever, not tonight. "Trish whatever the fuck you want will have to wait" nonchalant was not the word to describe his tone on how uninterested he was.

Lily swing her neck towards him so fast almost getting a whiplash, "Miguel! stop it can't you see she's crying jackass, Trish what is it?" this time lifting her knees off the ground to stand on her feet.

Trish took a deep breathe to calm her hyperventilating giving Lily the pictures of her father and Miguel a few weeks before he died.

Trish took a deep breathe to calm her hyperventilating giving Lily the pictures of her father and Miguel a few weeks before he died

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