Chap 25 Ultimatum

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Previously on Friend to Foe.....


"Lily hey..." Derrick walked up to me in the driveway of my home with the most guiltiest face I've ever seen, but it was Camry in the front seat of his car with a smile on her face but with tears running out her eyes simultaneously.

" everything okay?" I watched back and forth between the two. He looked away from me continuously mumbling, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

I was oblivious to what the fuck he was talking about, "Derrick what are you sorry about! I'm confused?"

He watch over his shoulder to look at Camry then a tear drop escape his eyes,"wh...what is it?" I asked. Looking back at Camry this time she's outside the car holding up a tablet, I was so close but yet I couldn't see the screen clearly.

"What's that" I stretched my hand to take it from her but she swiftly snatched her hand away from me.

"Lily I'm so sorry to hurt you like this but, I had to...", he cried.

"Lily..." I felt my body shaken followed by a dismal voice in the distance.

Still in a state of deep unconsciousness,"sorry for what and what you had to do!" I was annoyed that he couldn't just spit it out.

"I was going to loose my house and she offe..." Derrick's voice slowly fade away.

"Lily!! Wake up.... Come on get up!" shaken out of sleep realizing it was only a dream.

"You have me worried sick, I've been calling you on the phone since yesterday, how long you were sleeping for" Nate tried lifting me off the ground but his weak arms failed, to be honest I don't even know how long I've slept.

Since Miguel left I have been sleeping on the floor with my pillows and sheet, first I was running home from him to sleep in my bed alone and now I can't without him.

Raising myself off the floor onto the bed i felt a sharp excruciating pain on the left side of my head. I tried blocking my face with the palm of my hand from the beaming light that's in my eyes, squinting my eyelids because of the lingering effects of my headache.

"Nate please close the curtains" I asked with my sore parched throat, he did as I ask and close them.

I haven't took my medication for my pcos in some days so that could be one of the reasons why I'm getting these series of headaches and fatigue symptoms or could be stress.

I have been avoiding everyone since...since Miguel broke up with me three, four, five days ago I don't fucking know how long it's been, I can't even tell what is the date today, I haven't went to work in a few days either. I feel so depressed and numb, I'm tired of crying my eyeballs out.

Everything happened so fast I still can't wrap my fucking head around the situation, and what hurt the most they didn't give me a chance to hear me out. This is why anger is never a good emotion to harbor, you only make irrational and ignorant decisions.

"Lily mama Em and I have been calling you for days..., I looked up at him only then he saw the expression and the condition of my face, swollen, pink and miserable. "Wh...what happen did someone hurt you?!" Nate kneel down in front of me holding onto my face.

I stayed quiet for a while dreading to explain the situation that transpired.

"Is it between you and the light skin hulk, because if it is I'm willing to get my ass beat for my sister" he ask with side grin on his face, that make me chuckle a bit, I can count on Nathan to make a joke in the worst situations.

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