Chap 26 Doctor visit

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Previously on Friend to Foe....

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

Every piece of document and other important information was laid before her on the table, including her laptop, suitcase and the papers for her to sign over the apartment that Sebastian brought over.

"Lily are you sure you want to move all the way to Switzerland! I mean, come on why so far away..." Sebastian fussed at the idea that he's going to lost his one true friend, he understood why but still he was being selfish.

Him and Lily has grown close together over the few months, she even met his boyfriend kyle because he talked so much about her, kyle was overly anticipated to meet the infamous Lily.

"Bastien stop being a big baby, and come help me close this dam suitcase" she call him over, he pushed down and she zipped up.

Lily could not deal with everybody bitching and groaning since she made her announcement, especially Nate talking about "whatever you choose to do I will support you" and he was the one bitching the most.

"I can't deal with another person scolding me Bastien for my very difficult decision, I need my friend, I need you!. I know it's far away but it would be perfect for my mental health right now. All I asked is for your support so I would not feel so discombobulated right now, tell me I am strong for uprooting my life to start a new, tell me any other thing that has some positivity" she looked at him with pleading eyes.

Besides she already transfer her money to buy the house and set up a banking account with the help of Mrs Murphy.

Sebastian realized all she needed was the reassurance that she's resilient and brave to start a new away from everything and everyone that she knows as home sweet home.

"You are so much stronger than I am babe, because I don't think I have so much will power to do what you are doing, but I'm sorry for being inconsiderate and selfish to the point that I couldn't see I was hurting you mama" he held on tight to her short fulfigure body in to a hug.

Lily was crying in his arms with every thing settling in her mind, she's moving far away from everybody in a few hours, not that she won't be back but it will be a while before she does.

"Don't cry mama, you have this by the balls" Bastien rubbed her back kissing her forehead.

She had to pull herself together not dwelling on the negative but looking at the glass half full, she took a deep breath composing herself "yes, yes I do" wiping away eyes.

The time was passing by and she needed to get to the hospital to check up on her body with the recent symptoms she was experiencing.

"Boo let me put away all these things where they belong so I can wrap up this packing and confirm my flight for in the morning", she said.

Everything was set and just in time for her to leave to catch her one o'clock appointment, "I'm coming with you to the hospital lily just in case you need my support and if you're pregnant I want to be the first to know" Sebastian teased sticking his tongue out.

Lily role her eyes at his annoying statement, him and mama Emma keep saying the same shit dancing on her last nerve, "boy just take your things and let's go please with your agrivating ass!" shoving him out the door.

Lily and Sebastian took her car on their way to the hospital oblivious to someone tagging along behind them.

Matter of fact it has been days now he was following her every move she made. The night she met with Derrick, by her brother's house and when she crash Camry and Emily's dinner get together.

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