Chapter 40 Birthday girl

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Previously on Friend to Foe....

🔥 Miguel🔥 POV

One month later....

"Ahm....Mr butterscotch why the fuck you drag us here for, did you forget you already bought one?!" I swear Thai stomps on my fucking nerves every chance he gets.

"No dummy, how could I forget spending a hundred and sixty thousand dollars on it, and don't call me that again before I fuck you up in these people store".

If looks could kill he would be dead and buried right now, Thai is the only one out of us all likes to complain...too much, I don't know how my sister deal with his ass.

Throwing his hands up in surrender backing away further across the jewelry store to pest David and Keith I'm sure.

He acts like if I don't know that I purchased a ring already but I left that back at home and all of they meddling asses is over here so how am I suppose to get it.

"Good day sir welcome to Precious Gems and how may I help you this afternoon" the young lady approached. "Hey thank you, I will like to take a look at your engagement rings please... and no I don't have a budget" I said before the words come out of her mouth.

"Yes sir be right back" she disappeared behind the curtains.

Giving it much thought, I've decided to propose to Lily on her birthday which is in two days. After having an adult conversation with Nathan and Ms Emma, whom I recently found out to be Camry's mother.

How such a lovely woman created a demon seed I can't tell, anyway it was more so about apologizing to her brother and opening a bridge of communication with the both of them, not so much the traditional way of asking them for Lily's hand in marriage.

There is no if, buts or maybe I will! be marrying that woman and I ain't asking permission.

I also wanted to surprise her with her name tattooed on my chest close to my heart to symbolize that she is my heart, only God knows how much I love her.

What makes our relationship so refreshing from my point of view is that it was unexpected. One day I was going to check up on my nieces and sister then boom...opening the door for the most beautiful woman.

They say a boys first love is his mother but was not my case, I can honestly say Lily is.

Lack of guidance, love and a all round wholesome household after my father died was nonexistent, I ended up doing a lot of rebellious and dangerous things growing up but I wouldn't change a thing about it because I was able to provide for my sister and I.

I became a millionaire by the age of twenty with David, Keith and Thai doing strictly contract works from the underworld illegal organizations, you can say we were the "clean up" men.

We loved our job, since I took the biggest cut because I did all the dirty work but we were great in our own lane. David liked working with weapons, Keith handled the paper work and Thai could find a needle in a haystack.

Putting what we love to do into making money and now continuing the same but legally.

But after a few years in with great connections, relationships and reputation under our belts it was not something any of us wanted to do for the rest of our lives.

When I met Emily I was building my architectural firm from foundation up thinking to myself finally I've found love but ended up being in shambles. So I stayed single and fucked around a little until that day I laid my eyes on her.

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