Chap 35 Appointment

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I was going to split this into two chapters seeing that it is long but I changed my mind 4200 word enjoy.

Previously on Friend to Foe....

🌺Lily🌺 POV

Three days later.....

"Hmm om my gosh I want pee so bad" I groaned out loud with sleep still laced in my eyes, trying to move my feet but my lower body felt restricted.

It took me a minute to realize something is definitely wrong although i was feeling heavily sedated, but when i did open my eyes, I threw the sheet off of my body panicking and that's when I saw his hands and legs tightly tangled around my body.

Miguel's face parallel to my navel, his breath brushing against my skin everytime he exhaled sleeping peacefully.

My first reaction was to wake him up and asked how did he got in my house but then's Miguel I'm talking about. His muffled snores indicated he was in deep sleep but I had to urinate so badly.

Taking his hand slowly peeling it from around me hoping not to wake him up because he sleeps like a cat, any slight move and he moves.

"Mama, you alright" he caught me I tip toed to the bathroom, "yes M I'm going to pee" I continued walking.

Noticing the glimmer of light that was beaming through the window over the toilet, hoping I still have a little time to get some more sleep before we had to go to the hospital, mornings come by so quickly I literally just put my head down on the pillow and its daylight already.

" did you get in my house, almost scared me to death, feeling like I was paralyzed", he laid on his back with his hands behind his head like he's chilling on the beach.

"It is not a joke stop smiling" should put his ass out for laughing at something serious.

"Sorry but your facial expression is too funny, relax and come lay down with your rude self, I swear you're a mean pregnant woman and to think we have three more children to make" he did not say that with a straight face.

Three more?! "sir...three nothing, are you crazy or mad which one because I will not be the one pushing out four children, all you men have to do is cum and we have to bare everything else...." his phone interrupted with that loud ass ringtone.

It's 6:30 in the morning who calling him so early and have the nerve to glare at me, but I'm not having four children. "Yeah hello, aye what's up....oh really.... What you want to talk about".

Unless somebody's dying there's nothing to talk about this hour and....I know this big lip bitch not getting up to go outside.

"What?!, are you fucking crazy she will think! not yet" he whisper yelled behind the door, too engaged in the conversation to care that I was eavesdropping on him.

What he mean by we, "I love you but its too early for that at least let me tell her first" lord please don't let this man have any ludicrous secrets to tell me because i can't take it.

My heart begun to race and my hand palms was getting moist, "Trish you not listening to me.... Lily is not ready to talk to you yet....I don't know when she will be, heck I'm still in the dog house and she's carrying my child".

I did a silent oh sah when I heard her name and not some hoe, I would hate to beat his ass but what I want to know is what are they arguing about.

"Right now your ass is giving me a fucking headache this early and I ain't even brush my teeth yet...yeah love you too and we'll talk about this later we have to go to the hospital in a little while....yeah bye" before he hung up I was on the bed cover from head to toe with my back turned like nothing never happened.

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