Chap 13 Date Crasher part 2

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Continuing on Friend to Foe...

🌺Lily🌺 POV

'Whew! Lord my feet hurt so bad, aah! yesss'.... This is so soothing, feels good to prop my feet up and soak in this tub after the day I had.

This is long overdue my body needed to this level of relaxation and pampering, I didn't get to even enjoy the spa at the hotel.

Lost in the music closing my eyes humming along with the song, taking small sips of my wine, feeling a bit emotionally overwhelmed right now.

I don't know if it's the music or the wine but with Nathan acting like a child, a man that I like embarrassed and rejected me, the pressure and expectations I have for myself and not accomplishing them yet is weighing on me all at once.

I mean I have my dream job, I have a business but am young with no child or children yet I should have already visited at least two countries by now and have my own place.

Money is not the problem but not having anyone by my side to push and encourage me just made me scared I guess.

I can't lie I feel lonely at night sometimes, after a long day at work no one to have dinner with or have it ready when I get home, to rub my feet or have endless nights of love making, is depressing sometimes.

My rose looks like it's been run over, pass through a furnace and then soaked in water for months. If i use it one more time it might talk back and say "you again leave me alone"... I can't take it anymore.

That's why miguel cut me deep when he said those things, I had a little hope that we might had a good thing going. You know some women will meet a man and he's so fine you imagine yourself having kids and getting married within meeting him, well that's me I'm some women.

Times like this I miss my mommy, she was such a wise woman. She had a answer and advice for everything, I use to call her my Angel because I swear she was not of this world.

Laughing through my tears remembering when a boy hit me in school, the next day we were the first people on the compound waiting for him and the principal to arrive. She let his parents have it.

I wipe my tears taking the last gulp of my wine to refill it and to change the music on my phone, I didn't hear the phone notify me a text came in from a unknown number. My mind immediately thought it was Sebastian probably thinking that I forgot about him which I honestly did.


Saturday, September 3,2022

Unknown: Lily please unblock me driving me fucking crazy give me a chance to apologies and explain myself. The words that came out of my mouth was said out of anger and I didn't mean it.

My mother always say to believe a man's every word when he's angry or drunk.

Me: You came to my hotel room saying that you want me, put your tongue down my fucking throat, wipe and suck my juice off your fingers and then embarrass and humiliate me in front of your sister and friend?!, you don't have to worry about me caring or being worried about you again, I already moved on.
10:05 pm

Unknown: so what your telling me is you give another fucker a chance and not me!.....okay we'll see.

That's what he takes out of all the things I said?! and then have an attitude with me, it's the boldness for me.

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