Chapter 38 I didn't mean it

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Previously onq Friend to Foe....

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

"Lily..... you are too mean to that man" Mrs Murphy cracked up on the couch drinking from her champagne glass filled with red wine.

Listening to Lily relate to her what happened a week ago with her and Miguel.

It was not intentional and to be straight forward she wanted it just as bad as him, probably more. "No am not, I didn't do it out of spite moms but my body was tired....this little girl is kicking my ass with steele tip boots, the struggle is real" she sighed taking a sip of her apple juice.

To add to her conscience Miguel haven't been as chatty and flirtatious with her since then, not being his usual self had her uneasy. He wasn't rude or dismissive or anything like that but there was definitely a wedge between them, she taught probably she's over reacting and decided that they would have a conversation about it but he already left when she woke up this six o'clock which was unusual of him.

Assuming he was over at his house so she went searching but he wasn't there either "where in the world did he six in the fucking morning!!" Lily immediately questioned herself with a hint of insecurity in the back of her mind.

She never admitted since getting pregnant his compliments was like a confidence booster, blanketing over her recent insecurities of her body rapidly growing and changing.

So when he wasn't spewing lustful words heckling her every minute of the day, negative thoughts seeped through her mind.

When her frustration was overbearing then she called Mrs Murphy to release some of her burdens. Times like these she needed a friend but Lily is still not on speaking terms with Trish, not on a intimate level anyway so that left her with the only woman she knows and trust, "baby girl don't stress your mind out too much , just have a conversation with him so you both can be on the same page and then move on from there" Mrs Murphy advised.

But that was easier said than done for Lily, what if he had enough of her holding out on him and he seeks attention elsewhere, she wanted him to learn a lesson not move on.

Mrs Murphy could tell her mind was racing from the zoned out look on her face, "don't you dear think no nonsense young lady that man loves you, I know you wanted him to "learn his lesson" when you actually wanted him to hurt like you did and it's understandable but I think he did and time to move on, for goodness sakes give that man some pussy please before that thing seals back up permanently".

The laughter that came out of Lily's mouth was contagious making her laugh as well with her, tears well up in Lily eyes and her stomach started cramping, "I can not! with you ma'am, but seriously I really want to before I go crazy with these raging hormones. I think I should cook something really nice for him and take it from there...." she trailed off thinking of his favorite things to eat.

Oblivious to the menacing smile on her moms face, "yes! and I think you should do it on the balcony and wear on something sexy!" Mrs Murphy squealed in excitement.... too much excitement.

"What is with you and taking dick out in the open...nah!" Lily asked

The things Mrs Murphy says to Lily she can tell that this woman was a nasty freak back in her days.

"Girl just hush and try it, it unleashes something in you and I PROMISE you my son in law will love it ".

Lily role her eyes when she said her son in law, ever since Miguel had a conversation with Mrs Murphy on his plans for his family she never stopped calling him that.

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