Chap 29 The plan

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Previously on Friend to Foe...

🌺Narrator🌺 POV

Every chance Miguel got he was parked in front of Lily's old apartment spying on who goes in and out of the building just in case she decided to show up even if he was told she moved out, at least that's what he was hoping for.

When Thai broke the news that she moved and he had no clue where to, he was was sick with the flu, crying and sulking for days, his body shot down totally.

Thai was one of the most reliable, accurate and highly recommended PI there is in multiple districts and also overseas, so when he was searching high and low exhausting all his options searching for Lily and couldn't find anything Miguel was going borderline crazy.

Miguel had gotten better by taking his flu medication, but then a few days later he started vomiting, getting non stop headaches out of nowhere and the minute he was the slightest bit better he was eating like a werewolf. When he went to the doctor's office the doctor told him he was heathy as a horse besides the minor flu symptoms which was concerning for him.

In very few cases some men experienced pregnancy symptoms just like the woman and in this instance he was one of them.

Everyone noticed he had mood swings and cravings which was abnormal for him because he was a fitness freak, he watched what he ate and when he ate at all the times.

They joked about it behind his back sometimes taunting him by asking if he was pregnant or if someone was pregnant for him.

Meanwhile Lily was indeed pregnant resting comfortably in the comfort of her home in Switzerland, the vomiting and headaches has stopped but she was eating like a mule at all hours of the night. Mrs Murphy was cooking and taking care of her like her biological mother, doing frequent grocery trips with her and shopping for some house hold items to redecorate Lily's house among other things they did together.

There relationship has become inseparable since Lily moved a few weeks ago. Although she talked to mama Emma and Nathan religiously, she couldn't cope without Mrs Murphy or as she calls her now, moms being around.

It was like she was Lily's only family along with Mr Murphy adopting her like their own daughter because they have no children of their own and Lily was so grateful for that and them.


Miguel's Office

"Thai! where the fuck is your woman, how the heck is she late and just a few floors down" Miguel irritated because she's always late for every fucking thing, sometimes he tells her she will be late for her own funeral.

David and Keith was already seated and waiting for the last member that happens to be Trish and she was only two minutes late, they all looked up at him knowing he was exaggerating thinking he was having one of his mood swings again.

In this instance he was not moody because of that but it was finally settling in his head that he might not see his sweet p again and that was driving him over the edge, he wanted to get this meeting out of the way and to start putting his plans in action.

Miguel could not give up because he can't stand to lose her again and he was well aware it was because of himself nobody else to be blamed but one thing for sure, hell or high water he will revert to his old ways just for Emily.

"Would you calm yourself ma'am! acting like you on your period, my baby is not always late with your rude ass she's on her way up" Thai retort with the same attitude, making David and Keith hunch over laughing at their childish behavior.

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