Chap 31 The rules

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Previously on Friend to Foe...


I needed to get the fuck out of here and these bitches are trying my non existent patience, "HURRY UP! the fuck, a minutes ago you two was laughing and whatever else you were doing in here, because it smells like sardines....ON YOUR KNEES! I don't have all day".

Dirty pussy asses, I have no mercy at all, not today, they better be glad I'm giving them options at this point.

"Miguel please baby I will do anything don't hurt me" she cried with mucous running out her nose. "Baby!? I think you really sniffing ass Emily and shut the fuck up, both of you!".

I always thought something was wrong with me the way my heart is setup but its people like these make me think and feel the way I do.

"I don't have all day so this is what we going to...".

"I did what I did because... Aahhh!!" they screamed out covering their heads with their hands when I shot in their direction.

"Next time I won't hesitate to put one between your eyes Emily, don't interrupt me again" looking dead in her eyes.

"As I was saying y'all have three choices, 1) you can stay here and work at the brothel for Roberto and do whatever he tells you to do since y'all like to fuck so much. 2) jail...ten years minimum for what you did to Lily and last but definitely not least is death right where you stand so choose wisely".

Pacing the floor in my own zone, concentrating on getting back home by five for the latest and its now 12:40 pm, I need to be at the house when it's time to call my babies.

"I'm sorry but I can't do non of them, Lily got what the fuck she deserve. I nev..." she stopped hunching over holding her bleeding shoulder screaming at the top of her lungs.

I'm not fucking playing, the next garbage that was going to come out of Camry's mouth she would've been dead, having the gumption to let those word come out off her mouth.

"Aahhh ahhh!! Okay okay I'll go to jail, jail please! don't kill me" that's what I thought, they have the right one on the wrong day.

"Help me am losing a lot of blood" she sobbed. Tears don't move me except for the women in my life, "bitch don't look at me your friend next to you taking her sweet time, the faster she answers you can get help".

Watching Emily fidget biting her fingernails annoyed me to my core for some reason. "WOULD YOU HURRY UP!" she jumped at my unexpected outburst.

Being in her presence brought back unwelcoming memories of only torturing pain of every kind.

"If only you thought so long and hard before you fucked me over with my mother and all them other fuckers you cheated on me with" am sure she can see the rage on my face while I gazed at hers.

Before she can utter a word I continued " thought I didn't know, besides the dirt Lily had on you Emily, I heard it from my own mother's mouth you filthy bitch, I should spit in your face. Then you want to intrude in my life, again! are you delusional I swear to God if you don't answer me I will kill you like the dog you are" angry at myself for allowing her to bamboozle me, now I have to fight to get back the love of my life.

"I'll go to jail" she said barely hearing her words, "WHAT?!" I shouted irritated by her obnoxiousness. "I s-said I choose jail" she said a lot louder, playing in her ass with me.

Walking over to my bag to put back my gun then I reached in my pocket to called Roberto to come meet me over here. Fixing my jacket, smoothing over the wringles walking closer as I look down at them on the floor.

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