Chap 12 Date crasher part 1

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Previously on Friend to Foe...

"Well she's not my woman I don't need her to be worried about me"....

🌺Lily🌺 POV

'Urg! I feel like shit' crawling off my bed still wary and tired of the pass few jam packed days I had. That's what happens when I decide to take a week off from work, but I have no regrets...until the last two days that is.

Two weeks has past since, you know...I don't even want to say it and I feel real crappy. My attitude went to bitch mood ever since my feelings were stomped on. I cried for days, not so much what he said but his intent behind it.

He said those words without any remorse or consideration for my feelings, that's the part that hurts the most. Now he has the gumption to want to fucking apologies to me, like boy it's too late for that.

I could remember that night like it happened yesterday.

Two weeks ago...

"Lily wait ..." Trish chasing me as my legs couldn't stop moving I just wanted to get in the car and cry my eyeballs out.

Unlocking the car, before my ass was planted on the seat I burst out crying. I couldn't stop the tears from cascading down my face feeling humiliated for just caring for that asshole.

Trish held me tightly to her chest rubbing the side of my arm, whispering comforting word eventually made me simmer down my whimpering. Is only then I realized Thai stooping down at the side of Trish side of the car giving me sympathetic smile.

"Don't be hard on yourself he's a jackass when he's angry, give him sometime to cool off" he said standing on his feet walking back inside the house.

I honestly didn't care too much about Miguel and his anger problems, I just wanted to get out of here. To forget about everything and curl up in bed at this point.

On our way back to the hotel we skipped the restaurant and ordered room service, take a shower and took a early bed.

I could tell Trish was feeling guilty on her brother's behalf but she had no need to, he was a cunt all on his own.

The next day the trip was cut short because Trish had to go home to her babies and I wanted to go home, I was over it.

Present day....

I wasn't in any mood to get dolled up today, a simple black long sleeve top, navy blue leggings with a had and shoes to match. I had a hectic day ahead of me and I have to sign the paper work for my new apartment.

The only person that knows about it was Trish, I was not feeling to listen to Nathan speech about "mom wanted us to stay together" bullshit. Everything has to be set in place first before I inform him about it.

On my way to work I bought breakfast and make a few calls before I arrive at my shop. Turning in the car park into my secured parking spot Miguel was calling me again for the millionth time this morning and I ignored it as usual matter of fact I think I'll block his ass.

Sometimes rethinking that moment and what he said, I blame me for allowing myself to cleave to him so quickly but that's just the thing, if we could control how we feel we wouldn't be depressed, sad, or angry at all. If we had free will over our emotions just as we do with our choices in life everyone would choose to be happy all the time. I can't help how I was drawn to him.

Miguel is broken in so many ways that not only love and attention could piece him back together it takes therapy and a willing mind.

Before setting up for my first client I sent Trish a text reminding her about going to my apartment with me after terrorizing me about seeing it.

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