Chap 18 Strange...

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Previously on Friend to Foe....



'No! That can't be him, he looks so...different!!!' I whisper yell holding onto trish arm and shaking her body. All of a sudden he appeared out of no where for over four years.

"I was just looking at that skank I didn't even notice how sexy he is...who's that, her next victim?"....I can already tell Trish was aggravated by her facial expression and body language.

'Girl he's my ex boyfriend, I haven't seen him around in a while and he show's up with Camry?!' I replied to her.

Both Trish and I observe the exchange between them two from a distance, "what in the world is he showing her, they're so focused" squinting my eyes to see clearly

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Both Trish and I observe the exchange between them two from a distance, "what in the world is he showing her, they're so focused" squinting my eyes to see clearly.

All I know it looks fucking suspicious, who the hell stands in a carpark out in two o'clock hot sun watching a damn video on a tablet.

" I don't know boo but there's only one way to find out" Trish said opening her door hoisting her purse on her shoulder. 'Trish wait... Where you going!' yelling behind her.

She slammed the door in my face strutting over to meet them. This heffer sends up my blood pressure every fucking time, her and her brother is just the same hot headed fools.

I wanted to see what they eventually do after watching whatever they were watching.

Almost forgetting to lock my damn car doors trying to catch up with this crazy ass.

"Ah emm!" Trish cleared her throat getting their attention.

They both spin around damn near getting a whiplash, Derrick look like he saw a ghost, "Lily..." came out his mouth like a breathe. The way he said my name send a chill through my body, bringing back a lot of memories.

We had some good times and did some am...nasty stuff together, that I swear to never do again in my life, you live and learn I guess.

He was so slim and nerdy and now I could barely recognize him with all that muscles, tattoos and facial hair, his glow up is a pleasant surprise.

The moans that came from his tablet pull me out of thought, "what the fuck is that" Trish spat with disgust, and so was I who in their right mind watches porn in a carpark.... Outside the fucking car!, they're both mentally ill.

Camry with her signature ugly ass smirk on her face while Derrick eyes trace my body from head to toe. "Hey look good, never thought I would've seen you again" he said stretch out his arms to hug me.

you look good, never thought I would've seen you again" he said stretch out his arms to hug me

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