Chap 36 Give her time

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"Baby I had no idea she was coming, I swear" he pleaded but Lily already knew Miguel was telling the truth from their conversation on the phone earlier however she didn't understand why Trish is so adamant on talking to her.

She ignored her calls, text and any other means of communication Trish tried to get through to her.

Guilt.....that's the fuck why but Lily definitely was not in the mood after her long tiring day, all she wanted was to take a shower, kick her feet up with a bucket of ice cream and the remaining of her fruits watching season nineteen of The blacklist.

"Come on and carry me inside the house before I lose whatever sanity that's left, then you can go with your peoples" Lily said gathering her parcels to step out the car.

As both of them approach Trish after all she was on Lily's porch, Miguel could see the fright on his sister face and the irritated look on Lily's as he carefully watch back and forth between them.

"Hey!... good to see y'all back what's up Lily!" Thai shouted from over at Miguel's place drawing their attention which was no surprised to them, he was always two feet behind Trish if so much like a needy child.

"Hey Thai" Lily waved at him with a half smile in no mood to mingle.

However come to find out the rest of the fellas came along with women by their sides, she assumed that's their girlfriends walking out on the porch one by one,"ooh...seems like somebody kiss and makeup".

"Na I think they did the nasty, look how Miguel skin is glowing" both Thai and Keith heckled them as they walk up the driveway.

Everybody laughed at the friendly banter between the guys making her crack a smile, also remembering how she loved to hear them make jokes with one another.

"Seems like you and your friends having a couples thing going on" looking up at him seeing the scowl on his face reacting to her sarcasm.

Before he could answered "hey Lily" Trish meekly greeted.

"Hi" Lily replied dry as the desert walking swiftly to her front door almost shoving her out the way

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"Hi" Lily replied dry as the desert walking swiftly to her front door almost shoving her out the way.

"Could I talk to you for a minute....please" Trish stand aside nervously playing with her fingers hoping not to get rejected, again. Judging from the look on Lily's face said it all but she just stared at Trish without saying a word.

"I...I am, I want to apolo...." "Yeah yeah apologize I know but that's not what I want, I want space and I don't appreciate you bombarding yourself uninvited to my house either" getting straight to the point cutting Trish off with her constant apologies like a broken record.

The others look on as if they were in a movie theater including Miguel feeling sorry for his sister but this is the reason why he tried to warn her stubborn ass.

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