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November 23, 1941
I never minded being in the background as my soulmates spent time with each other. I could tell they didn't know how to feel.

Or even how to understand how they felt for one another, but I could tell that even with the constant confusion they knew I would always support them.

So as I laid back on the picnic blanket and read my book, I noticed them sit next to each other. Closely, talking about what they wanted to do after the war.

It was like watching the two people both so perfect, but so flawed in their own ways bond over the little things.

I could only ever hope to have what they shared in the years I hoped we'd live together. Putting my book down I Slowly reached for my camera.

Wanting to have the day forever. Taking the light camera in my hands I sat on my knees and took a picture.

Bucky turned around when he heard the click, only making me smile as a took another. The man chuckled and took it from my grasp.

I laughed as he took a photo of me. Steve looked over his shoulder at us as Bucky put down the camera and took my face.

Giving me a kiss. This time we both hear a click. I felt my own giggles spew out as I took Bucky's collar tight in my grip. Separating from his lips I peppered his skin with kisses.

"Well come over here you get some too." I say to Steve. He looked at me shyly so I let go of Bucky and pecked his cheek.

"Now pose." I say taking the camera in my hands. He looked awkward so I decided to do something very childish. Steve looked at me as I made funny faces.

Finally breaking down and laughing. I snapped a picture feeling my chest tighten. I didn't want to think about it.

When they would both leave me. Bucky smiled at steve as he laughed."Come on it was a bit funny."

I felt my eyes water as I Snapped a picture. Then another and another. It's what was keeping me together.

Knowing that I would have these moments. I didn't want them to see me cry. So I hid behind the camera.

Even then Bucky could see right through me."How about we take a photo together?" I nodded trying my best to hide my sadness.

Walking over I sat in between them. Bucky having the longest arms turned the camera backward and pointed it at us.

" Ready one-two-" Steve turned and kissed me. It took me by surprise but I didn't stop him. A click sounded and I smiled through the kiss.

I knew it wouldn't last forever. But I understood nothing could last forever. So I decided to live in the moment.

"Who's ready for lunch I packed some fresh PB and Js." The two men smiled as I grabbed my old picnic basket.

Oh this was gonna be hard. Letting them leave was gonna be so very hard.

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