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February 5 1941
"It's amazing seeing you with him, im glad the little fella got a girl." I sighed looking at Dotty. She constantly threw jabs at me and Steve.

Thankfully he was never there for it. "I get that you haven't found yours yet, but theirs no reason to be such a bitter bitch about it."

I say before getting up and walking out of her house. Seeing as it was an early morning before my shift I decided to go to work early.

On the walk there I felt my skin crawl. Something was wrong. When I walked into the small doctors office I saw the little boy with polio.

He was in a critical condition seeing as he could barely sit up. They were wheeling him off as I walked in.

This would be a long day. Checking in I fix my scrubs and touch up my makeup in the mirror. I always found this job mentally taxing.

Seeing how many patients come and leave sometimes because of your judgement is draining. The worst is when your there as they pass.

No matter if it's painfully or not. Some nurses grow numb to the it, but I just couldn't. The first time it happens is the worst.

Mine was a due mother who died in childbirth. She held on so hard for her child, but even the heavens knew that baby needed to be with it's mama.

That day I recorded two deaths. I also got my first hostile husband. He was distraught and looked so lost.

I didn't blame him. I would be heartbroken if I had lost my soulmate and my baby too. Even then sometimes you have to keep on a brave face.

That was the hardest. Making sure they keep their hopes high knowing you were going to trample all over that thought in two seconds flat.

So when I walked into the little boys' room, I couldn't even look at him as he passed. The way he was in so much pain made me sick to my stomach.

His mother however was at peace with it. Seemingly have come to terms with it much earlier than many do.

She kissed his forehead covered him with a sheet and did a prayer before leaving. Her daughter holding her hand tightly.

Not knowing how to process her brother not being abale to come to dinner tonight or ever. It was a terrible feeling.

Something I knew to well.


February 5 1940

As I walked home. Exhausted from the day I found a tired soldier and a short blonde man waiting for me.

I felt my lips quirk up as I tapped their shoulders. They were looks at me. Then decided it was best they talk to me inside.

I unlocked the door letting them in. Then I closed it behind me. Hanging my hat up I kicked off my nurse heels and collapsed on the couch.

"Hard day?" Bucky asked."I had to roll the boy with polio out to the morgue today."

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