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He says before typing something in his computer.

"I need to put you under the drug is pretty intense and we have a hours to land-"

She shook her head."Just get it over with, I've been through a lot and this isn't gonna change that." Bruce sighed and flicked the needle.

"Okay." He walked over and plunged it into her thigh.

She didn't feel anything a first then her cells caught on fire. Even then she didn't let out a sound. She sat and endured it.

Slowly she could feel again. It was terrible. Her daze was clearing and her emotions were everywhere.

She blinked. Her body glowed then she let out a scream.

It wasn't from the drug it was something worse. She hit the ground. "What the hell did you do Bruce?"

Natasha asked kneeling next to the woman who seemed to be in immense pain.

He looked at her."This isn't me the drug us just clearing everything from her system this is something else."

That's when everyone felt the burning. Marks forming on them.

"Her soulmate are coming back. All of them." Tony said with a grimace. Steve sat in shock as his wife recived a vine of marks down her body.

"Fuck me!" She screamed out with a grunt as she pushed herself up.

"I'm going to kick your ass when we land Steve just cause your big now dosen't mean I can't." She grunted out her southern accent coming out.

Bucky felt his lip curve feeling better as she came back.

This was the woman he knew. Steve blew out thanking God she wasn't gone forever. When she stood they all looked at her.

Her neck to her thighs had vines with flowers sprouting from them in thin ink.

She looked at the blonde and crossed her arms."I won't take it back." With that she sat on his lap and kissed him smack on his lips.

The man flushed but kissed her back. Separating from his lips she grinned.

One thing about the drugs in the water is her dental hygiene was surprisingly clean. "You know no matter how big you get-"

She whispered in his ear and the man lit up like a fire truck.

Bucky chuckled."Who knew you were busy when u was gone." She leaned over and kissed his jaw. He didn't even hesitate to pull her in his lap.

She pecked his lips. "I'm glad you finally got together it was painful watching you virgins."

Steve chuckled."Actually Bucky technically." She man slapped the others shoulder. Pull His chin down to her she kissed him hard.

Then separated."I missed you." She muttered and kissed his cheek again.

The man held her hips."So tell me can you do?" She looked at the unknown man. Then she paired him as Tony Stark.

"Well depends on whatcha mean." Natasha chuckled.

"Your abilities." She crossed her legs and yawned."I'm a super computer a long with the super soldier serum. Then of course telekinesis."

She said knocking him in the head with a pen. The man glared at her.

She laughed and licked her lips."Okay im sorry how about I fix that broken formula for you. The component is-"

As she explained Tony felt his geek boner stick up.Bruce laughed at the man who blinked slowly.

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