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Everyone sat silent processing the trauma Wanda had explained.

"They made her watch them wipe me." Bucky muttered. Steve held his hand. Natasha sat looking at their last piece.

More broken then the rest of them. "I found the files."

Tony said emotionally drained from listening to it as well. "They were testing her cells. Apparently they were multiplying too fast for a human."

He leaned back in the soft pilots chair."They put her through 304 tests Injecting 30 syrums into her in a span of 40 years before abandoning her."

Bucky closed her eyes rubbing his temples. She was alone for 35 years.

Floating in a tank of water forced asleep by enough drugs to put down 20 elephants. "She was marked Lucky number Three carrying three meta genes."

Just as Tony went on the woman in question shot up.

"She broke free from me." Wanda said panicked. Desume found herself just sitting there. She didn't try to run or hide.

She just sat there. Her posture was disturbingly perfect as she held her hands together.

"I felt your distress." Her Russian bounced off the walls. It was soft like a blanket, but also incredibly robotic.

She seemed to be devoid of emotion. "Desume? Your okay Hydra can't hurt you anymore."

She only sighed."I know." Then she closed her eyes. Steve watched her, she sat on a damp white night gown.

Along with some shorts. She looked like she did when he met her.

Except her hair was longer and she didn't seem like she had that spark anymore. "Do you remember anything."

She tapped her fingers together in sets of four and hummed.

"James Buchanan Barnes my oldest soul mate. Steve Grant Rodgers second oldest. We lived in my house on fountains street."

She seemed to reminisce. "Steve worked for a newspaper company while James was deployed."

"I worked as a nurse for Henrey's childrens clinic. Donnie Erwin was the child's name who I watched die from polio."

She named off before biting her lip."The day I went missing I fought with James stormed out."

She felt her guilt curl in her stomach. "I was getting deployed in three days...i couldn't tell them so I took it out on them."

At that point they knew it was her. Down to the little boy with Polio.

"Did they wipe you." She looked at them with a sullen look."Sometimes I wish I could forget the things that have happened to me."

She murmered before taking a deep breath. Her wings retracted into her back.

She pointed to her neck. "They tried to, my cells multiplied so fast it was impossible they kept me in check with James after they captured him."

She said it with a dull tone. James looked at her guilt in his eyes.

She wanted to comfort him, but she couldn't feel him. She couldn't feel anything. "She needs Meteoprofeline she's still pretty drugged."

Bruce says making Steve look at him confused."Is that why we can't feel her?"

He nodded."It's nerve blocking she can't feel anything that's why she's so emotionless."

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