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"We made you better, you should be thankfull we didn't breed you like the whore you are."

"Doctor she's refusing to eat."

"Shove it down her throat."

"What are you laying down for get up and fight."

"Look at him, look at your new owner."

"She a pretty little whiteface maybe we should have bred her with him they would make perfect little soldiers."

"Matching marks? Lock her up throw away the key I don't care keep her away from him."

"Wake up."

"Wake up."


I shot up in a cold sweat my world spinning."Hey slow down I just removed the trigger words from your system calm down."

It was surreal. Being back there. Being back in my hell.

"They took her from me." It felt like a couldn't control my own mouth."Took who?" I was flooded with heavy drugs.

Something close to how they dosed me."Don't take advantage of this state she delirious."

A voice said. "Belle she would have been so pretty. Just like her daddy, now she's up there, I wish I could have gone with her."

Feeling sad I began to cry."Look at what you did." I was sat back.

"How long until it wears off?" It was quiet."Soon I didn't dose her too bad." The ceiling seemed to move as I closed my eyes.

"Did you find any Belle in the files?" A voice spoke.

"No not the name, but there's a small note on one of her surgeries." I felt my world slowly stop spinning.

"It was apart of her Hysterectomy, they found out she was four months pregnant and-"

The voice tapered off with a small gasp."They cut it out of her and killed it." I sat up this time feeling my heart race.

Why were they going through my file? Why did they have to look that far? What did I do?

Everything came into focus as I looked around me. Everyone had ended up camping out around me. Blankets thrown around as everyone watched me.

"I'm aware I was there and awake." I murmered before looking around.

It seemed like everyone was shocked. I only reached over and took some water from beside me. "How long was I out?"

I muttered. Bruce looked at me."Four days, the culprits have been found and taken in."

I didn't say anything I just yawned."Well thanks for helping me but I would rather bury myself in paperwork and coffee thanks."

I said before getting up. Annoyingly enough I was pushed back down.

It was Thor with crossed arms."No we talk now." He spoke in a tone of finality. I sighed."Look okay im used to the whole being alone thing."

It was true. I kinda got used to being left behind. It was the whole sealed off from the world stuff.

Tony surprisingly enough put his foot down."We were wrong and your gonna tell us what you want and need."

I tilted my head. My wants and needs? That was new.

I bit my lip. What did I want? "Attention." That was it. That was all I could think about. Chuckles we're all over the room.

Then I caught something on the screen. I felt my nurse jitters.

"Is that a advanced polio case, I saw the vaccine and I was wondering what caused the mutation of the genes."

Bruce looked at me."You have a medical background."

I nodded."I used to be a nurse in the 1940's but we weren't as advanced as now." Bruce felt a scientific boner as he started talking away.

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