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Relationships don't change overnight. She knew that, but it bugged her. How withdrawn some of her soulmates were while others gravitated toward her.

Bruce, Tony, Natasha, and Steve fell in the category of being naturally withdrawn.

While Sam, Clint, Peter, Wanda, Thor, and Bucky gravitated toward her. She had felt the shift when she had attempted to talk to Steve.

He wasn't completely closed off, but clearly, something was eating at him.

It made her crazy not being able to regulate who was around her. Some relationships went okay while others suffered.

Balancing them seemed more like a chore than something she loved.

That's what ate at her. The fact that she couldn't connect with someone passed a work level knowing that she just wasn't pushing herself hard enough.

It was draining. Closing her eyes she sunk under the suds in her bathtub.

Her phone buzzed next to her making her groan. Answering she drained the tub."Hello?" Her voice was deep and sultry from the sleepy state she was in.

Muffled whispers went on behind the phone."I need a visual beautiful."

She groaned and wrapped her towel around her bust before walking to the computer."I'm all the visual you need."

She said with a smirk. Her computer lit up as she began to hack her way into the cams.

"Well don't tease me now let me have the visual." She laughed and rolled her eyes."There are at least 9 agents around you and im sure you don't want them seeing that."

Instead, she took her phone and took a photo of herself with a smile.

Then she sent it to Sam. She could hear the ding in the background. "I'm saving that as my wallpaper." He said seriously.

She giggled and put the cams on their screen."Anything else you need hot stuff?"

"I'd ask for your number but I already have that." She chuckled and ended the call. It never really went past flirting with them.

Sure tiny pecks here and there, but after Steve, it was like all intimacy levels dropped.

It made her feel like she was doing something wrong. Everything kind of felt wrong. Leaning back in her chair she felt a wave of disgust travel through her.

Maybe she was the problem what if they didn't find her attractive?

What if they found her revolting? It didn't make her feel good about herself. Looking through the ten separate meetings Tony has she began organizing and rearranging everything.

He was still very popular after he no longer made weapons.

After all, he was seen as the leader of the Avengers. She leaned against her hand bored. Then she found out about social media.

Apparently, she was trending. Edits of herself were all over.

Many called her young and hot. It made her laugh at these random people just all over her. Just as she began to get lost down the rabbit hole of the internet her screen blinked.

Tony had a meeting in four minutes. She knew that that wouldn't be possible.

He was out on a mission eh likelihood of them getting back anytime soon was slim. Deciding to call him about it she noticed it quickly go to voicemail.

Sighing she texted the next best thing. Bruce.

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