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I yawned as I came down for dinner. Steve had ended up falling asleep.

I don't blame him. I wore him out. When the elevator doors opened and I walked out ready to eat some good food.

It already smelt good when I came in."Jesus who's sweater is that?"

I looked down and wondered who I stole it from. "Clint's." I spoke as I fixed myself a plate. The man in question looked at me confused.

"How did you even-" I gave him a toothy smile."Wouldn't you like to know."

Sitting at the table I quietly ate listening into conversations."Do you know where Steve is?" I looked at Bucky.

"He's asleep in my room." I said before finishing my plate and getting up.

Bucky gave me a look which I returned. "Everyone is leaving for a mission it's gonna be long term." I looked at them.

Then at the sink beginning to wash dishes."I know." I was lying.

I didn't know. I hadn't looked that far into their system. Wanda gave me a look."Well since you know we're leaving tommrow morning."

It hadn't even been a few days and they were already leaving?

Being the Avengers soulmate is gonna be a hard. I nodded."I'll be in my new office im sure you've already debriefed yourself so im on call."

She mutters wondering what the hell she's gonna do without them.

She had been alone in a box for most of her life in complete darkness. No nightmares no thoughts nothing.

She was awake now, so that wouldn't be an option. "Friday has you in the system so talk to her-"

And had walked out finding the elevator and closing the doors. She hadn't meant to seem as if she didn't care, she really just didn't know how to deal with it.

She was gonna be alone without help without anyone but an AI to talk to.

When she got back into her room she had quitely shut the door and snuck into bed with Steve wrapping her arms around his waist and holding him close.

She wished she could do this every night, but she knew that would never be possible.


"Wheres Desume?" Steve questioned as he suited up. Bucky looked at him confused."I thought you were with her last night."

"I was, but she left before I woke up." Tony sighed."Friday where is Desume?"

It took a minute."In her office, the time she arrived is not specified all information is in accessible due to her access to the system."

Wanda looked at Tony."She probably is just getting a head start on work getting settled in."

It almost didn't seem as if she was talking him, but assuring herself. Bucky looked at Steve having a bad feeling about it.

"Maybe I should stay back for this mission." Bucky said as he felt himself worry for Desume.

Tony shook his head."She's probably just getting adjusted and this is important we need all hands on deck."

The darker haired male wanted to argue, but knew he wouldn't win.

Tony was always very argumentative and knew how to win them with logic and reasoning. Qualities Bucky didn't have.

Nodding Bucky put on the rest of his equipment and walked out.

Just because he avoided an argument didn't mean he wasn't in a sour mood. Steve sighed as he followed after him.

"I'll talk to him." The blonde walked out following his husband.

"Buck you know he's right." Bucky who leaned back against the Quin jet only looked off into the city.

"Were treating her likes she's not important, you know as good as me she has PTSD."

Steve looked at Bucky knowing he was right."I know, but right now staying back will not help her she needs to work through it on her own."

Bucky looked at Steve for once not agreeing with him."You know that's bullshit Steve we both do."

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