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She froze as the person known as Ironman flew in front of her. He seemed to be related to the old inventor she couldn't recall the name of.

She did know that his name was Tony Stark due to the information popping up into her view.

"Do you speak English?" She stood silent. Looking at him wondering what she should do. "Hey Manchurian Candidate you speak Russian right?"

"Dont call me that." He grumbled through the earpiece before it turned off.

Soon the man in question arrived. His metal arm in full glory. Desume tilted her head, feeling as if she knew him.

Bucky however knew her. Deciding not to startle her he asked a simple question.

"Do you speak English?" Her eyes tracked his mouth. She nodded feeling dazed. Walking forwards she didn't seem to show fear.

She looked curious. At that point the team had gathered to watch, making she wasn't a threat.

Reaching for his face she took off his goggles and mask. Letting them drop into the snow. Then she took his hair and pulled it up.

Her eyes furrowed as she tried to remember only to break into tears when the realization. Hit her.

She couldn't do this. She couldn't face him. Wings ripped out of her back and she took off into the air. Bucky sighed and started talking into his Mic.

"Wanda I need a shutoff." It went black. She fell from the air.

Her body being caught by the same man he blank stared out minutes together."We talk now." He commanded before flying to the quinjet.

Bucky and Steve we're sitting next to each other whisper yelling back and forth.

"You need to tell me who the hell this woman is Barnes." Tony said as his suit flew off. James looked at him.

Then at Steve."We didn't think it was important, it was just a long time ago and she was well-"

Steve took over."She was presumed dead. Taken in 1941 by Hydra. Her name is Desume and she was our first soulmate."

The man froze looking down at the battered and bruised woman.

Steve couldn't even look at her. Everyone noticed how the two seemed to shift. Leaning against the other for support.

Tony disappeared towers the front of the ship while Wanda was busy going through her mind.

"What did they do to her?" Bucky asked feeling guilt string along his insides. Wanda couldn't even speak as she sorted through it all.

"I-i." The redhead pulled out and sat there for a moment.

"They treated her worse than an unwanted dog." She leaned against the plane."It started with injections then water torture."

She said as she prepared the memories in her head."Eventually they started cutting into her, first they gave her a hysterectomy."

She grimaced at the screams that echoed in her head."Then they cut your names from her thighs, everytime they came back they did it again....wile she was awake."

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