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First few chapters are gonna be a bit slow- and just calm.

.: 1 month later :.

Dream wandered down the hall, flipping through different pieces of paper.
"God.. so much work.." he hummed, shaking his head.
"I should have done it whilst George was in heat so I wouldn't be so focused on him.."

He still felt embarrassed because of that- that was embarrassing moment.

Whilst he was walking towards his office- he heard giggling up ahead- gaining his attention ahead.

"Hm..?" Dream glanced up, seeing zuma playing with another.
"Pfft.. cute." He smiled, enjoying how happy zuma was.
"The two seem to be getting along"

Zuma held up his plushie, smiling.. he was playing with the other happily.
"Bunny!" He held his bunny up.

Dream lowered his papers, looking at the other pup.
"George or Karl should be around here then" he looked around, trying to spot the one watching them.

Things have been rather busy ever since they renovated the cabin to there new base- so everyone's been scattered trying there best to set up the cabin for everyone.

"George..?" Dream looked around, trying to find the omega.
"You around her-" he was cut off when someone spoke behind him, gaining his attention.

"He's out with ponk and Karl right now- since ponk wanted to talk to them both or hang out.. something like that." Sapnap walked up behind Dream, shrugging.
"I'm watching the pups right now- sorry." He hummed, looking over.
"I was just putting some of calix's toys away..
We just came back from the store."

Dream jumped, looking back at the beta.
"Oh, Hi Sapnap." He smiled faintly, nodding.
"So your the one watching zuma and Calix, I'm surprised they aren't fighting then if your watching them"

"Mhm- I told them not too" Sapnap smiled, walking over to the two.
"Hello you two" he hummed.
"How are you two doing.

Zuma and calix both glanced up, seeing each of his here parents.

"Daddy!" Zuma gasped, standing up and walking over to Dream- completely ignoring Sapnap.
"Yay!" He smiled, running up to Dream.

"Ouch." Sapnap felt offended when he walked up to calix.

"Hi zumie." Dream placed his papers on the counter before picking up the pup.
"How's playing with calix?" He smiled.
"Did you have a lot of fun?"

Zuma smiled.
"It was Fun!" He was happy, soon nuzzling dreams chest happily- hugging him.
"I'm having fun!"

Calix was distracted looking zuma tilting his head.

"Boo." Sapnap poked the top of calix's head- getting his attention.
"Hi Calix" he ruffled the smallers head.

Calix looked up, seeing Sapnap.
"Daddy!" He smiled, feeling instantly happy as he held his arms up- he was about the same age as zuma so they got along quite well.

"Come here small one." Sapnap picked calix up, resting him on his shoulder.
"Sorry, I was just putting away a few of your toys" he let Calix hug him.... He wasn't- the best at parenting but he is trying.

"I'm surprised how fast calix grew a liking too you and Karl- he was very shy in the beginning when you went to adopt him but now he's quite open towards you and Karl." Dream walked next to Sapnap, holding zuma up.
"You adopted him about 3 - 4 weeks ago or so and he's already calling you dad."

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now