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-Very short chapter-

George sat happily in the car, looking out the window.
"How long until we are there again? I lost count." He was all giggly and excited.
"I'm just so excited!!"

"George.. you can calm down Y'know-" Dream looked over, seeing George not being able to sit still.
"You should be tired- you were running around with the pups- or well zuma for almost 2 hours."

"I'm fine!" George looked back, seeing all the pups confused.
"I'm just happy we finally have a home to ourselves and not having to share a bathroom with so many people!" He smiled.
"Now we can be a happy family."

Dream hummed, lightly chuckling.
"Yes, we can." He looked ahead, continuing to drive... they did have a private bathroom for a reason..?
"It's thankfully away from everything... I dislike people a lot.. i can't wait for peace and quiet.

George was just excited.
"Do you think we all can watch a movie tonight." He mumbled under his breath- nervous Dream will say no.
"Or do something-"

"Of course." Dream nodded, continuing to drive.
"But we need to find a better hobby then watching movies... these pups are gonna get bored one day from movies."

George hummed, nodding... they do need a new hobby.

After about 20 minutes or so- they arrived at the house.. and George was excited.

George's eyes widened as Dream pulled into the drive way.
"Wow..." his smile grew, staring at the house he's been dreaming about for him and his family.
"Is this really our house....? All are's to live in..?"

"Yes- it is.. now- can you help me grab the pups..?" Dream looked back- but once he looked back... George was already out the car.
"Fuck." He had an unimpressed look.
"He's already gone out the car.."

.: outside car :.

George smiled as he walked up to the home, he finally gets the life he wants... away from everyone whilst caring with a family...
"Wow..." this was his dream.. well- his dream home- his dream right now is probably dealing with the pups from the car.
"It's perfect.."

He wandered around the front, staring up at the home... he gets to live here now.

 he gets to live here now

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"Wow." George stared at the house- until someone got his attention.
"It's Amazi-" he was cut off.

"Are you satisfied?" Dream walked up to George, holding tallie and Elio in his arms.
"Cause it costed a lot." He just wanted to rub the fact in he was rich.
"And I knew you'd love it."

George grumbled, glaring at Dream.
"You don't need to flex your money now- I'm still shocked you even got me a house for my birthday." He walked over to Dream- but was stopped when something grabbed his leg.
"Huh? Oh? Hello zumie."

Zuma giggled, hugging George's leg..
"Happy birthday mama." He nuzzled his leg.
"Daddy said it's your birthday! Happy birthday!"

George's smile grew, ruffling zumas hair.
"Thank you darling, that means a lot." He picked up zuma, rubbing his back softly.
"Now- who wants to play a game ..?"

Zuma gasped.
"Me!" He giggled, patting George's chest happily.

George smiled- but once he looked over at Dream... he instantly understood the look... oh.

"I need to finish some things before I can play." Dream hummed, nudging his car.
"I have to go grab a few things." He smiled softly.
"It's that alright..?"

"Oh-" George frowned slightly- I thought... Dream had no more work.
"Well- yeah! That's alright! We will play a game inside whilst we wait for you" he soon smiled, walking towards the blonde.
"I'll take the pups from you- here... ."

"Here." Dream handed George tallie and Elio.
"I won't be gone long..? Alright..?" He hummed.
"I'm gonna be back before you know it

"Mhm." George smiled, holding the two smaller... He hears that way too much
"I'll be insides wandering around with the pups.... As per usual" he spoke softly, cradling the two.

Dream placed a faint kiss on George's forehead before wandering back too the car.
"I should be less then an hour or two." He glanced back at his mate for a moment.

George nodded, smiling happily.
"Okay!" He was happy... as much as he could be.
"Just Be careful on the road.. okay!"

"I always am." Dream made his way back too the car.
"I'm not a crazy driver like you." He hummed, closing the door.
"I'll be back soon honey."

.: George POV :.

"Have fun!"
George smiled- soon watching the car pull out of the driveway.
"Damn it..... I wish he wasn't so busy all the time.." he frowned... he was worried for Dream.
"I hope he will tell me if anything's wrong though.. i can maybe try my best to help.."

He had a worried look... hopefully it isn't like this when dreams birthday comes around... he wants to celebrate the blondes birthday with him.

"God.." George sighed, looking down with an upset look.

"Mama..? Where's daddy going..?" Zuma tugged on George's sweater.
"It's your birthday..? Why not celebrate..?" He was confused.
"We play game..?

"Oh- your father when to do something's... let's just head inside for a bit... alright..?" George ruffled zumas hair.
"Besides! We haven't baked anything yet!" His smile grew.
"We can do that whilst your fathers gone."

Zuma gasped.
"Yay!" He soon ran towards the door.
"Baking with mama!! Yay!!"

Elio and tallie were both confused.. okay.

George lightly chuckled.
"Yeah, baking with mama." He walked towards the door.
"Let's go."

Total word count : 1116

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