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Dream walked into the living room, holding zuma in his arms.
"Let's see what your mother and siblings are doing." He hummed.
"Shall we?"

Zuma nodded, giggling faintly as he pointed over.
"Mama was in the living room!" He smiled.

"Thank you zuma."
Dream glanced over, seeing the 3 in the living room.. they seem happy- extremely happy.

George was carefully making small beaded jewelry... whilst tallie and Elio watching carefully,
"See..?" He showed off the small bracelet.
"Quite simple."

Tallie smiled, looking at George's hands as he held the beaded jewelry out.

Dream blinked... yeah- he was definitely going to need help making bracelets.
"You three seem to be having a good time." He walked over.
"Aren't you?"

George jumped, looking over to see Dream.
"Oh! You're back!" He instantly smiled.
"I thought you'd be longer."

Dream shook his head.
"Nah.. I dealt with the situation..." he looked at the pups.
"My way-"

"So.. you-" George tilted his head, letting Dream figure out the last words.

"They were.. really- REALLY.. testing my temper." Dream looked at zuma, nuzzling the pups cheek.
"But this little one cheered me right up." He smiled.
"Right zuma?"

Zuma happily giggled, his smile growing.
"Yeah!" He held his hands up.

George felt relieved.
"How come they made you so upset?" He tilted his head.
"Did they say a mean word?"

"I.. personally don't wanna talk about it." Dream nudged his head.. he didn't want to talk about it in front of the pups.
"I'll tell you later." He hummed.

George soon stood up, walking towards Dream.
"Alright." He carefully picked zuma up from dreams arms.
"Now come sit down dream, we are making beaded necklaces and bracelets."

"Ah fuck." Dream anxiously laugh.

"Mind you're language." George glared towards Dream.
"There are kids around." He sat down, placing zuma down.

Dream had an unimpressed look.
"You realize what kind of house hold this is- right?" He cocked a brow.

"Yep!" George soon picked up a beaded necklace he made.
"A happy family one!" He placed the necklace over dreams head- putting it around the blondes neck.

Dream had an unimpressed look before soon chuckling.
"Alright." He looked down at the pups.
"I can't believe we have three pups."

"Yeah... And I wonder who's fault is that." George scrunched his nose, glaring at Dream.
"Hm?" He said somewhat firmly.

Dream anxiously laughed, rubbing the back of his head.
"Not- mine..?" He looked back at George.

George had a faint growl, having an annoyed look.. it wasn't just his fault.
"You better fix your wording before I smack the shit out of you." He picked Elio up.

"Okay! Okay! It's my fault!" Dream quickly admitted it.
"Well- it was both our faults-" he shrugged, softly chuckling.

George rolled his eyes.. it was mostly dreams.
"Mhm." He adjusted his shirt, holding Elio to his chest.
"But it was good thing we did."

Dream glanced over at George's shoulder.. seeing the bite mark scar... a memory he did not want to remember.
"I'm sorry." He had a soft gaze.. randomly blurting out.

George looked over at Dream.. seeing the soft gaze towards Dream.
"Zuma.. how about you watch your siblings for a minute." He carefully placed Elio down.

Zuma nodded, smiling.
"Okay mama!" He walked over, picking Elio up before practically trying to drag Elio towards tallie.

"Thank you zumie."
George softly chuckled before looking at Dream.
"Come on.." he stood up, holding his hand out.
"Let's sit down.."

Dream was puzzled, but carefully took George's hand- soon standing up.
"Alright." He nodded.

George guided Dream towards the couch, carefully sitting him down before sitting down next to him.
"Now- What's wrong..?" He softly spoke.
"What's on your mind?"

Dream looked at George.. seeing the concerned look on the brunettes face.
"I'm-.." he had to think on his words... he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

George rested his hand on dreams.
"Dream, you can talk to me- you know that.." he smiled calmly.
"You've been there for me.. please- you can talk to me.. let me be there for you."

Dreams gaze softened, lightly nodding.
"I know- but please just know I'm really sorry." He took a deep breath.
"I've done a lot of screwed up things towards you and I feel guilty for every single one."

George tilted his head, extremely confused.
"What do you mean?" He was confused.. what was Dream so worried about..?
"What have you done?"

"Everything.." dream ran his fingers through his hair.
"Kidnapping you, hurting you, making you upset.." he looked down at his feet.
"Just- being a complete ass towards you."

George was puzzled until he softly nodded.. cupping dreams cheeks.
"Dream, you don't need to be upset about it, it was in the past." He smiled.
"That was the old you... you aren't like that anymore Dream."

"But I still-" Dream was cut off by the omega.

"Dream, I forgive you." George placed a soft kiss on dreams forehead, nuzzling him soon after.
"You are a good mate... you don't need to doubt yourself- that's what you've showed me.."

"I just- I want to be a good mate and parent." Dream looked over at the three pups, watching all three of them play.
"And I feel like I'm failing them... I know you've told me many times that I'm doing good but I can help but feel like I'm failing."

George looked at the three pups.
"What do you see Dream.. hm?" He wanted the blonde to see how happy they were.
"Tell me... what do you see."

Dream stared at the three pups, puzzled out of his mind.
"Uh- the three fighting..?"  He tilted his head to the side.
"I should probably stop that-"

"No, not that."
George rolled his eyes.. seriously.
"What else you idiot." He pointed over at them.

"They are happy and laughing..?" Dream stared at the three, watching Elio and tallie lay on top of zuma.

"Exactly dream." George nudged the side of dreams head.
"They are happy.. you've made them happy." He curled himself next to Dream.
"We both have made them happy."

Dream was confused, furrowing his brows.. what did he do..?
"How—?" He quietly spoke.

"You watch movies with them, play with them when you can, buy gifts for them." George rested his head on dreams shoulder.
"You make sure we have food and a house over our heads.. you are perfect Dream."

Dream felt relieved, leaning back against the couch.
"Thank you." He glanced at George.
"I really needed to hear that."

"But- I expect you to deal with this ace situation as fast as possible." George briefly glared at Dream.
"Especially now if you pissed off another mafia."

"Yes.. about that." Dream anxiously laughed.
"They might be quite pissed off after I killed that omega." He rubbed the back of his head.

George furrowed his brows.
"What did you do."

Total word count: 1155

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