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George waited patiently outside the bar, humming softly.. hopefully Karl and ponk find a good spot.

Karl and ponk already went to find them a nice spot inside.. whilst George had to wait for Sapnap and someone else... hopefully someone good.

George glanced around.. getting a few occasional stares- mostly by over aged alphas looking for someone.
"Gross.." he mumbled.. cringing faintly.
"Thank god I don't live like that anymore."

He glanced at his phone.. hoping for any messages but there were none.. that was unusual.

George wasn't used to Dream not messaging.. he's usually in contact.
"I wonder if he's okay.. he must be asleep." He frowned.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream laid on his stomach.. trying to sleep.
"Let me sleep.." he mumbled.
"At least for an hour or two.. please zuma"

Zuma giggled, sitting on dreams back.
"We wanna watch a movie!" He grabbed dreams hair, tugging it.
"Please daddyyy! Wake up! We wanna watch a movie!!"

Dream groaned.. he needs to rest.
"I've boughten you two iPads.. and you can use the tv.."  he looked over, seeing calix sitting where George usually slept.
"You have so many toys..."

"I wanna watch with daddy." Zuma kneaded the alphas back.
"Wake up!" He whined.
"We wanna watch a movie!"

"Shh.." Dream carefully sat up.
"Your siblings are sleeping." He rubbed his eyes.
"I'll watch the movie with you.... Just don't be loud.

He was about to get up- but he heard crying through the baby monitor.

Dream groaned, covering his face with his hands..
"How does George do this.." he mumbled..
"I'll be right back zuma."

Zuma happily gasped..


Dream groaned as he walked down the hall.. rubbing his eyes.
"I'm coming.. I'm coming.." he made his way up to the door.

He made his way inside, seeing Elio crying..

"Elio, it's okay." Dream walked up to the pups bed, carefully picking Elio up.
"We didn't mean to be loud." He held Elio to his chest.

Elio cried, hugging onto dreams shoulder... he wasn't happy..

Dream rubbed elios back.
"Shh.. it's okay.." he calmly hummed.
"George will be home soon...calm down."

Elio just whined.

"Let's go watch a movie..."

.: George POV :.

George leaned against the wall, watching cars drive by.
"Where are these two." He growled faintly.. getting inpatient.
"It's been 15 minutes..."

After a few minutes.. he saw a familiar car park in front of the bar..

George had a sigh of relief, finally...
"God.." he pushed himself off the wall.
"Finally... took them forever."

Sapnap made his way out of the car.. having an annoyed look- why was he not in a good mood..?

"What's up with you?" George tilted his head, making his way over to Sapnap.
"You seem annoyed?" He assumed Sapnap wouldn't be so annoyed.
"Did something happen?"

"Yeah, a little." Sapnap held out George's heat supplements.
"Just having to deal with someone on the hole way here." He glared over his shoulder.
"Apparently he was the only one available."

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now