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George sat on the new couch, cradling Elio.
"Your getting so big, I remember when you where so so tiny.." he rubbed Elio's cheek.
"Just a little runt."

Elio hugged his bee plushie, giggling... he liked George a lot more.

George was about to nuzzle Elio- but cut himself off when someone walked in...?
"Hm?" He looked up.

"Happy late birthday!"

George looked up, seeing ponk walk in with luana.
"Oh! Thank you ponk!" He smiled, seeing the omega walk in.
"I'm glad your here!"

Ponk nodded, making his way over to George.
"Sam has your gift- sorry." He sat down next to george, adjusting his arms carefully.
"I had to hold luana"

Luana rubbed her eyes, waking herself up.

"That's alright!- you didn't need to get me anything." George softly smiled, chuckling soon after.
"Just people being here is enough to make me happy." He hummed.

Ponk lightly chuckled.
"Of course I did-" he looked down at luana, seeing her reach for Elio.
"Oh- I think she wants to play with Elio, is that alright"

George looked down, his smile growing.
"Aww" he lightly nudged Elio.
"Elio, Luana wants to play too."

Elio looked confused until he looked over, seeing luana and instantly jumped.
"Ah!" He quietly yelped, clinging onto George:

Luana was still trying to reach over, giggling.. she still wanted to play.

George carefully settled Elio on the carpet in front of him.
"They can play on the carpet- I just don't want them going too far." He looked over at the arch way.

Ponk nodded, placing luana next to Elio.
"Be gentle you both." He chuckled.

Luana happily crawled over to Elio, giggling.

Elio was curled next to George's leg, shy to share his toy.

"It's okay Elio, she just wants to play with you." George ruffled the toy of elios head.
"She won't take your toys." He hummed softly.

Elio was hesitant but held his bee plushie out.
"Play..?" He mumbled.

Luana gladly nodded.

George and ponk smiled- they were glad there pups were getting along.

"Oh? Two male omegas in the same room? Lucky me."

George turned, seeing xD leaning against the arch way.
"Go away xD." He spat, growling at the alpha.

"What? Am I not allowed to give you my gift?" xD held his small bag.
"What's so ba-" he was cut off.

"He said Go away." Dream growled, pinching xD's ear.
"And you said you'd leave him alone." He scrunched his nose.

"Oww-" xD groaned, stumbling over his feet as he was dragged away.

George watched as Dream grabbed xD's ear, dragging him away from the room.
"Oh" he smiled.
"Thank you love."

"Leave them alone xD." Dream huffed, walking in with tallie and zuma.
"Now fuck off." He snapped, shoving xD away from the living room.
"I don't want to catch you near them again."

George felt happy to have a nice mate.. thank god.

"Mama!!" Zuma smiled, stumbling over with tallie.
"Mama!! I have tallie!" He stumbled up to George.
"And calix came over too! Uncle sappy said I can play with calix!"

"Oh? Uncle sappy said so? Did your dad say you can?" George cocked a brow, smiling softly.

Zuma turned and looked up at Dream.
"Can I play with calix..?" He tilted his head.

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now