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George followed Punz into the lounge.
"Where are we going..?" He had a worried look, glancing at Punz.
"I can't be gone long."

"We are having a small bit to drink." Punz walked up to the small self serve bar.
"You really need it."  He grabbed a drink.

George quickly shook his head.
"Nonono- I have to watch the pups later!" He shook his hands.
"I'm really bad when I'm drunk."

"We aren't going to get drunk," Punz shook the bottle.
"We're just going to have a few sips."

George thought for a moment.. was it a good idea.
"Only a little..." he sighed.

.: Dream POV :. 2-3 hours later .:.

Dream tucked the pups in, humming.
"There you go." He nuzzled the top of there heads individually.
"I'm going to go find your mother, alright..? I have to work."

Tallie squeaked, adjusting herself before shoving Elio over.

Elio whined getting comfortable soon after, laying between tallie and zuma.

Zuma got comfy on the far end, snuggling into the bed.

"I'll be back soon, I'll be in my office if you need me." Dream smiled, soon leaving the room- closing the door behind him.
"Now where is George.." he hummed, walking towards the stairs.

He made his way downstairs, hearing laughter... that did not take long at all.

Dream cocked a brow, walking around the corner and seeing George and Punz drunk as hell.
"What the fuck." He had a confused look... what did they do?!

.: George and Dream POV :.

George was giggling, holding a cup in his hand.
"I- can't- stop laughing." He started laughing once more.
"I can't- drink anymore, I have too get sober."

Punz laughed, nodding.
"I- I have to work." He Held the bottle, trying not to fall over.
"Dreams gonna be so mad- we are way too.. drunk-"

The two continued giggling- not having a care in the world.

"Yeah! I am!" Dream growled, storming over.
"What are you fucking doing?!" He looked over at George.

George giggled, looking over at Dream whilst Punz jumped.
"I was drinking." He hummed.

Dream was severely annoyed.
"I told you too take a break! Not get drunk?!" He had a meeting with some clients later today- he couldn't deal with this.
"Someone has to watch the pups! And it can't be you now!"

"I- can." George lightly hiccuped.. he may be a bit giggly but he knows right from wrong.
"I can have a quick shower then I can help read a stor-"

"No, you aren't going near the pups at all until your sober, you are going to stay in the spare room till this is done." Dream pointed at George.
"Punz go sober up, and once your fine- head to my office." He glared a Punz, he was pissed.
"We need to have a word"

George frowned, looking down- he understood why just a little disappointing.
"Okay." He mumbled- nodding.

Punz groaned soon walking away.. well more like stumbling away.

Dream glared at George.
"I wanted you to do something nice! Not something so fucking immature!" He snapped... he was frustrated.

George looked down, frowning.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to make anyone upset.. i didn't know you had a meeting." He mumbled quietly.

"Just.. head to the spare room upstairs." Dream pinched the bridge of his nose, point to the stairs.
"I'm not carrying you, got it." He was annoyed.

George nodded, standing up- almost falling over.

Dream grasped George's shirt collar, stopping him from falling.
"Your gonna hurt yourself." He huffed.
"Be careful."

"Weeee." George giggled as Dream held him from falling.
"My hero-" he smiled, holding his arms towards Dream.

Dream cussed under his breath, he realizes he needs to get to his meeting but had to watch George until he sobered up.
"You are staying silent." He picked up the brunette, walking towards his office.

"Yayyy." George smiled as Dream picked him up.
"I'm not in trouble anymore." He held his arms up.

"No, your still in trouble." Dream started to carry George towards his office.
"I just don't have time to yell at you."

"Oh." George whined, leaning over dreams shoulder as he pouted.

.: office :.

Dream placed George on the lounge chair.
"You do not move, nor do you speak whilst I am on the phone." He pointed at the lounger.
"Or I will get mad."

George giggled, laughing as he laid back.
"Yay! I get to watch you work." He held his hands up.
"I am lucky~"

Dream growled, making his way over to his desk.
"Don't screw this up, this is an important phone call." He sat down on his chair.
"I swear to god."

George rolled right off the lounge- trying to get comfy.
"ACK-" he choked.

Dream face palmed himself, why did he mate such a drunk idiot... well- lots of reasons, just not this one.
"Get back on the lounger." He glared over.

"Mm.. no." George laid on the floor, tipsy as hell.

Dream cussed under his breath.
"Fucking idiot." He opened his laptop, beginning to type.
"I have a meeting so be quiet... I don't want you whining whilst I'm working."

George smiled before rolling over to the table.
"Mk." He soon peaked his head over, seeing Dream beginning to work.... Maybe some teasing will work.. just a little.


Dream continued typing until he got a phone call..
"Hello." He picked up the phone, turning his chair around as he began to speak with the individual.


George smiled, carefully making his way over to dream-sliding under his desk without notice.. Dream said he couldn't make a sound, but he can make Dream flustered.


Dream turned around, humming.
"Yes yes- I know, we have what you need." He looked where George was- he was gone..  shit.
"Just uh.. where did-"

'Is everything alright?'

"Yes yes, I just misplaced my pen is all." Dream anxiously chuckled, continuing to look around.
"Now.. to make sure what you want is correct."
He looked at his laptop.
"You want us to become your supplier.. is that correct."

Whilst Dream continued talking, George slid up to Dream silently.

George rested his hands on Dreams thighs, making him jump.

Dream quickly looked down, his eyes widening.
'GEORGE!' He aggressively whispered, wanting the brunette to sit back at the lounger.

George wasn't.. thinking straight.
"Hi" he lightly whispered, sticking his tongue out.
"I wanna have fun."

Dreams face heated up- he couldn't do this, not now.

Total word count: 1078

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