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George sighed, buckling the two tired pups in there designated seats.
"There you go." He had a weak smile.
"All snug and comfy.."

They both mumbled before falling asleep... snuggling into there small blankets.

George quietly closed the back door, making his way into the passenger seat.
"Hopefully dream and zuma won't take to long." He frowned.
"I just want to go home.."

He understood that Dream was busy with work- but it faintly hurt to know that Dream only wanted to make him happy with a lie before telling him he has to leave for a month... thankfully the pups don't understand- but still hurt to know that they don't understand.

After about 3 minutes- Dream came back with zuma.. laughing and smiling.

George carefully glanced back when he heard the door open, seeing the alpha hold up zuma and move him.

"Cmon zumie." Dream softly spoke as to not wake the other two, helping the older pup up onto his seat.
"Make sure your buckled in firmly and quiet for your siblings." He buckled zuma in, humming a soft tune.

Zuma nodded.
"Okay daddy!" He giggled before getting comfy.
"I'll be quiet."

Dream ruffled zumas hair before quietly closing the door. Making his way into the drivers seat.
"Hello George." He smiled, looking over at the brunette.

"Hi." George weakly smiled before looking forward.
"I'll put the pups to sleep when we get home." He leaned back in his seat, mumbling faintly.

Dreams gaze softened, he knew George was upset....
"Hey- are you upset that I have to leave...?" He softly whispered, nudging George's shoulder.
"I didn't mean to make you upset."

George shrugged faintly.
"It's alright, let's just go home." He spoke in a much more quiet tone.

Dream frowned before looking forward.
"Well- if it your alright with it~ I was thinking we can stop by for ice cream." He glanced at George, trying to see at least a genuine smile.
"That might be fun...?"

"That would be nice for the pups." George looked out the window, nodding faintly.
"We just can't be out too late." He mumbled.
"I don't want to ruin the pups sleep schedule."

Dream frowned, nodding.
"Alright.." he soon started the car, quickly driving forward.
"I'll be quick then."

Maybe he'll try and talk things out at home after George put them all to bed.

It might be better.

.: Time Skip: Home :.

Dream watched George from afar as he closed the pups door- he must have put them to bed.
"Alright.." he held his laptop- maybe a movie will make him more happy.
"Hopefully this might make him happy.."

He watched as the brunette made his way towards there room- he quickly followed after him in hopes of watching that movie.

Dream made his way towards the door, peaking in as he Saw george slide into a new shirt... hopefully now was a good time to ask.


George dusted his shorts off, looking towards his swing bed.... He did want to sleep in it.
"Hm." He was about to walk over but was cut off.

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now