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George and Dream both sat quietly on the bed, staring off as the pups slept between them.

There was a long awkward silence... a very.. long silence... neither of them knew what to say to one another after that.

George scrunched his nose.. he did not like dreams brother.
"Your brother sucks." He said firmly, scrunching his nose.
"Just saying... both of your brothers suck- especially xD or whatever his name is."

"Yeah." Dream agreed, staring forward.
"He very much does..." he scrunched his nose, growling to himself.

"Why have you never mentioned him to me.." George mumbled quietly, glancing at Dream.
"It would have helped to know that you had another brother..." he spoke in a soft quiet tone.

Dream slowly sighed.
"I did very bad things in my past.." he continued to look forward, having his arms crossed.
"Some good- some very bad.... Some I regret.. some I don't-"

George's gaze softened.
"I know.. but what happened with your brother." He nudged dream.
"Since apparently he's supposed to be dead?"

"He did something I couldn't forgive him for.... And he continued to get worse and worse and I didn't let it slide.." Dream looked down, huffing faintly.
"What was supposed to be my role model ended up being a blood crazed monster.. he manipulated people for his way."

"How was he a blood craze.." George was confused.. Dream said he shouldn't hurt anyone.
"And why is he staying at the cabin?!"

"He won't hurt anyone.. but he manipulated people into suicide for his enjoyment.. so he technically can never get arrested as there's no proof he did it and made them kill themselves." Dream ran his hand through his hair, looking up at the ceiling.

"How isn't he dead?" George tilted his head, humming.

"I stabbed him 8 times in the chest... and he didn't die." Dream mumbled under his breath, unamused he isn't dead.
"It's frustrating now."

George's looked down at the pups, seeing them cuddled together between him and the alpha.
"I see." He looked back at Dream.
"I still want to hurt him myself, he's rather grottiest"
(Grottiest = unpleasant and of poor quality)

"I didn't think he'd flirt with you.." Dream began to get pissed off, cussing under his breath.
"I still want to hurt him for that- and kill him again."

"I don't like that kind of stuff..." George rested his head on dreams shoulder, he hated the flirting.
"I like how relationship is... even if we argue we figure it out and we are still happy." He hummed, looking down at the pups.
"Just differences."

Dream smiled, resting his head on George's.
"Still pissed off you killed foolish." He scoffed faintly, shaking his head.

"Pfft- hypocrite.. you tried killing your other brother." George rolled his eyes, nudging dreams chest.
"We should probably buy some new clothes for the pups though.."

"Why's that?" Dream tilted his head, looking down.
"The ones we got them recently I thought were rather nice." He frowned.. he spent time getting those clothes..

"Yes yes- but I mean they need winter clothes for them- especially tallie.. and maybe Elio." George glanced at the window, he knew snow was coming.
"Since we live in the mountains.. and where it's very cold... summer doesn't last long- and autumn becomes winter fast" he nuzzled dreams shoulder.
"Since my birthday passed- it shouldn't be long."

Dream was about to speak until it hit him... it was George's birthday.
"FU-" he was about to cuss but George covered his mouth quickly as he was expecting it.

"Sh, the pups are sleeping." George glared at dream, looking down to see if the pups woke up.
"I just got them to sleep." He yawned.

Dream groaned faintly.
"I ruined your birthday!" He gripped his forehead.
"I'm so sorry- I'm so so sorry- I completely forgot! LITERALLY."

George lightly chuckled.
"I don't mind- but today surely has been a roller coaster with everything..." he leaned back.
"I definitely need a bath tonight to relax."

Dream nodded softly.
"You can have a bath if you'd like lovd" he looked down at zuma, seeing him lay with Elio and tallie on his back.
"I'll watch them- I will make sure nothing happens to them."

George nodded, stretching as he sat up.
"Thank you." He smiled, making his way over to the closet.
"Don't be too loud- I don't want to hear them suddenly crying."

Dream nodded, watching the small omega make his way into the bathroom.
"Have a nice bath." He smiled, waving at the brunette.

Once the omega was gone- dream quickly grew into a panic, grabbing his laptop from the side table and opening it.

"fuck fuck fuck.." dream quickly began searching on various websites for gifts... he didn't have a single gift for the lovely omega.
"Need to find gifts-" he panicked severely.

The clicking of the laptop slowly started to wake zuma up.. making him very confused what it was.

"Mm.." zuma rubbed his eyes, looking up at Dream.
"Daddy..?" He whined, sniffling.

Dream quickly looked down.
"I'm sorry zumie- daddy just needs to shop for mama.." he anxiously chuckled.
"I'm doing a terrible job at it right now.."

Zuma struggled to slide out front under Elio and tallie, snuggling next to Dream.
"I wanna help daddy find mama gifts.."He rubbed his eyes, smiling softly.

Dreams gaze softened wrapping his arm around zuma... maybe he can stay up a little and help.
"What do you think mama would like?" He let zuma lean in front of the laptop.

Zuma touched the laptop, realizing it was touch screen.
"Oh!" He gasped as he smiled, beginning to play on the screen- swiping it up and down.

Dream lightly chuckled before lowering zumas hands.
"We need to find stuff for mama zuma.. he needs gifts for tonorrow." He slowly began swiping down.
"Do you want to look on the laptop while I search on my phone."

Zuma nodded, beginning to search... scrolling past things he didn't think George would like.. he knew he likes soft and blue things.

Once Dream pulled out his phone, he heard two squeaks... fuck.

Tallie and Elio both looked up at Dream, holding up there arms.

Dream looked down at them... shit.. George is gonna be mad.

.: George POV :.

George Laid in the bath, humming softly.
"Finally.." he relaxed into the warm water.
"Peace and quiet.."

He's just been wanting to relax all day... today has been too much for him..and he needed this break.

First dream was too busy to remember it's even his birthday.. then he hurt himself that caused him to forget his memory for a few hours-.. before magically finding out that Dream had another brother after he gains his memories back.

Yeah.. he deserves this bath- he deserves a break from everything- even if it's a few moments of silence,

George was still rather stressed but he was happy... this is there home- where they will settle.
"Home.." he melted into the warmth.
"And comfy."

But as he was about to rest- he heard a whine.

"Son of a bitch" George mumbled, squinting his eyes.
"Not even 5 minutes.." he mumbled.

Total word count: 1200


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