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George sat on the bed, keeping the pups close,
"It's okay.. I'm here." He had a soft look.
"We can watch a movie now! And have fun.... Hopefully..."

He was scared... he didn't want the pups to get hurt anymore.

Zuma smiled, hugging his wolfie and bunny plush.
"Yay!" He said happily.

Elio and tallie slept on one another, snoozing.

Once George was about too lay down- he heard the door open, instantly making him anxious as he turned around.

"It's only me George.." Dream walked in, closing the door behind him.
"Are you okay.." he spoke softly.
"You ran off before I could check."

George quickly began to tear up.
"Please don't let Sapnap take them away." He was worried- he couldn't tell if Sapnap was serious or not.
"I'm scared he's going to get rid of them... i don't want them to get ridden of like I did.."

"No.. Sapnap would never do that George, he would never take them away." Dream walked over, sitting down next to george.
"You know I wouldn't let him." He frowned.

"I'm a really bad parent.." George stared down.
"I just... I've been watching them for a month straight- and I thought.." he leaned into dreams chest.
"We deserved a small break.. even only for a night..- so I thought hanging out at my old home would be nice.."

Dream shook his ends slowly.
"No.. no.." George was not a bad parent..
"Your a fantastic parent... ignore Sapnap, alright...? You don't need to worry about them being taken away, I won't let that happen."

George was worried.
"I'm just tired..." he mumbled quietly, glancing down... he is exhausted waking up every night and not being able to sleep well.
"I just need a break.."

"Then.. why don't we have a vacation-" Dream hugged George, rubbing his back faintly.
"Just so you can rest." He was getting worried for George, as much as he needs to care for the pups- he has to worry about George's mental health as well... he hasn't been so lucky.

"No." George shook his head repeatedly, sitting back.
"I need to focus taking care of the pups and keeping them safe." He huffed, looking down.
"There my first priority."

Zuma yawned, hugging his pulsing.. he was tired.

"George.. your making me worried.." Dream tried placing his hand on George's cheek.
"Can you talk to be about it?" He frowned.

George shook his head.
"It's okay, I'll be fine." he watched tallie and Elio cuddle with zuma.

Dream felt like he knew what George needed... some time to think.
"Tomorrow I want you and someone too go and take a break.. go do something nice for yourself." He spoke semi firmly, he needed George to relax.
"You need it."

"But-" George was cut off.

"You need too, this isn't me politely asking." Dream needed to help George, but he didn't know how.
"You need a break, and your going."

George huffed, scrunching his nose.
"I don't want too." He said firmly back, huffing faintly.. he didn't want to go.
"I'm staying home..."

"No, your going." Dream said firmly.
"That's final." He pointed at George before patting his chest.
"You need a break."

George kept quiet, huffing to himself.
"..okay.." he puffed his cheeks out, pouting.
"Fine.. I'll go."

"I'll figure out something you can do or options around the area." Dream wrapped his arm around George.
"I want you to know I'm doing this for your own good... your stressing out."

"I know, I'm not upset at you about... I'm just over stressing." George anxiously chuckled, rubbing his eyes lightly.
"Your right.. I am over stressing."

"Why don't you go in the garden and relax..? I'll watch them okay...?" Dream patted the top of George's head, speaking in a bow softer tone.
"As you have once told me... everyone deserves a break."

George nodded, slowly getting up.
"Okay.. I'll go spend some time in the garden." He knew he needed to calm down his anxiety.
"I'll be out there... if you guys need me"

Dream watched as George walked out... he didn't understand why he was stressing so much.
"Come on loves.. let's watch a movie." He felt bad, but George needed this.

.: George POV :.

George kicked a rock, sighing... he was practically kicked out of the house.
"This is stupid.." he growled, walking over towards the gazebo.
"Damn it..."

He made his way passed the gazebo, hiding in a small brush near a river not to far from the gazebo.

George curled into a ball, staring down at the river.
"Why can't I be better.." he whimpered, staring down.
"Why must I stress..."

"You don't need to be better."

George turned, looking over his shoulder at Punz.
"Why are you here..." he mumbled, rubbing his tears.
"You should be back at the mansion."

"I dunno, I saw you walked out here without Dream or the pups.. so I came to understand what happened, cause usually that means you had a fight." Punz crossed his arms, having a worried look.
"What's going on?" He cocked a brow.

"Nothing." George looked back ahead, holding in his tears.
"You can go.." he sniffled, he didn't want to talk to Punz.
"I just want to be alone."

Punz sighed before sitting down next to george.
"Well I can't go if dreams omega is crying in the garden... now what's wrong." He said softly.
"You can talk to me Y'know."

George shook his head.
"It's nothing." He stared down.
"Let's leave it,.."

"Just fucking tell me okay." Punz had an unimpressed look, he wanted to know
"I don't know how to help if you don't tell me how to help." He was worried for George, just didn't want to admit it.

"I'm just scared is all." George curled into a tighter ball.
"That's it." He sniffled.

"Of what?" Punz cocked a brow.

"Everything..." George took a deep breath before sitting up straight.
"I'm scared that I'm a bad parent for the pups- I'm scared that the pups will get hurt or taken away...... I'm scared everything will just suddenly change once I marry dream..... i just.. i don't - I don't want things to change! I don't want people seeing me differently as someone more powerful but I don't want them seeing me is just an omega either." He began to tear up, crying.

Punz's gaze softened.

"Now I think dreams getting upset with me more and more and wants me to have a break now so he sent me too the garden for a little." George was afraid too talk too Dream.. he didn't want him getting upset at him.

"You should talk to Dream- he's worried for you." Punz nudged George's shoulder.
"Your stressing way too much... you know your stress effects him too"

George whimpered faintly.
"I will at some point, I just need to calm down." He rubbed his eyes.
"I need to stress less.."

"Cmon, I wanna show you something." Punz stood up, turning and walking in a different direction.
"It will help you calm down."

Total word count: 1204

I am too lazy for this chapter

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