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I hit a large writers block for this story 😭 but I will continue you it- it might just be a minute for me to figure out chapters.

George smacked Dreams head.
"Are you an idiot!" He snapped faintly, growling at the alpha.
"You killed him?! OUTSIDE?!"

"Ow! Don't hit so hard!" Dream rubbed the back of his head.
"I didnt mean too! I lost my temper!" He glared at George.
"And I shot him! He was saying rude things!"

George flicked dreams forehead firmly.
"First of all dont glare at me like that! and second." He sat up straight.. growling.
"I was gonna take the pups outside to play on the driveway! They want to use the chalk you bought!"

"And...?" Dream grew confused, rubbing his forehead.
"Why don't you let them play outside?" He was extremely puzzled.
"It's not raining?"

"There's some horny omegas brains out on the driveway! And a corpse" George aggressively whispered.. scrunching his nose... seriously...?
"And someone might come looking for him! He might have been mated to someone!" He was worried for the sake of his pups.
"I don't want the pups having to deal with that.."

"From how he was acting.. I'm pretty sure he was actually..a stripper." Dream looked over, seeing the three pups distracted by playing with each other.
"I think-.. he seemed like a slut."

"And? Remember when you made me be a stripper!" George snapped, lightly hitting dreams shoulder.
"That was awful! You made me look like it" He growled briefly,

"I get it!" Dream smacked George's hand away lightly.
"I'll deal with it, you don't need to worry." He let out a small hum.. nodding his head.

"Of course I'm going to worry." George soon spoke softlty, nudging Dream.
"I'm your mate.. we've talk about this." He smiled.
"I'm always going to worry about you... even the pups."

"I know." Dream smiled, nuzzling George's cheek softly,
"But if it's alright- can I spend an hour getting work done..?" He hummed, resting his hands on his lap.
"At some point today?"

George nodded-
"If you can take the pups with you when you do, they need some time with you too." He kissed dreams cheek back.

Dream happily nodded, looking over at his family.
"I'll make sure to watch them." He stood up, making his way over towards them.
"You can have a break whilst I deal with the chaos."

George nodded once more.. his smile growing.
"I'll probably just clean up the house.. and maybe go out for a breath of fresh air." He hummed softly.
"I don't know yet- depends what I'm feeling later."

"Why don't you go hang out with Karl and ponk? Surely you need to catch up with them or want too at least." Dream thought George just needed time out of the house.... Where ace wasn't roaming- and it's peaceful.

"I don't know.. I think- maybe i shouldn't go out for just a little bit." George rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly..
"I don't want to freak out again." He mumbled quietly.
"Maybe a walk in the forest would be nice.... But I don't know."

He still felt like an idiot for running away in a panic... causing a big fuss for everyone.

"Y'know.. you can still live your life outside of this place." Dreams gaze softened, tilting his head to the side.... George can do what he wants- as long as he tells him where he's going in case of emergencies.
"Spending time with your friends... you're free to do whatever you please." He wanted George to not feel trapped.

"I know." George took a deep breath.
"I'll see..." he looked out the window.
"But- would it be alright if I take the pups out in the back garden...? It would be nice and clamping."

Dream soon perked up.
"Can I come along?" He quickly smiled... getting excited to go out with them,

"I thought you had work?" George tilted his head to the side.
"You want to come with us?" He smiled.
"I see.."

As Dream as about to speak- he was cut off.

"Mama!" Elio held his hands up.. sitting at George's feet.
"Mama! Mama!" It was practically the only word he knew.

George looked down, happily picking Elio up.
"Hi darling.." he held him in his arms.
"How are you..?"

Elio happily snuggled into George's arms.. getting comfortable- he liked sticking with George.
"...mama.." he smiled.

George softly smiled, soon looking up at dream.
"So? Are you coming outside with us?" He hummed a soft tune.

"I'd love to come along." Dream happily smiled, nodding his head.
"100%" he stood up.. looking over at zuma and tallie.

"Then.. let's have lunch outside? It would be nice wouldn't you say?" George copied Dream and stood up.. being mindful of Elio resting in his arms.
"The sun is nice out." He looked out the window.

"I could make something nice for us to eat if you want to bring the pups outside." Dream nudged his head over.. practically nudging his head towards the back door.
"Make sure they are all happy and comfortable"

George nodded his head.
"Mhm! Sounds good."

Total word count:966

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