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Dream typed on his laptop.. sitting at the steps of the stairs- making sure to watch the pups every once in awhile to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

He looked up briefly.. seeing the three pups playing with each other on the grass- or well.. zuma watching Elio and tallie play.

"At least they get along." Dream looked over at tallie... seeing that her and Elio were smacking each other on the ground.
"Somewhat..." he furrowed his brows.
"Maybe- a little play fighting..."

"What do you expect..? Ones definitely going to be an omega and one's an alpha- they love playing" George made his way next to dream.
"But my guess is two omegas." He sat down happily.

"Pfft-" Dream let out a scoff.
"There are definitely going to be alphas and take after me." He had a smug like look.
"Well- I don't know about Elio-"

He looked back.. seeing elio laying on the ground whining... he's a bit smaller and very self.. afraid.

"And that's perfectly okay if he doesn't become an alpha." George kissed dreams cheek happily.. resting his head on the alphas shoulder.
"We will still love him all the same.." he looked over at the pups.

"Mhm." Dream looked back at his laptop.. continuing to type.
"Always." He hummed.
"No matter what... but if he kills someone- we will need to have a talk"

"Hypocritical." George slowly cocked a brow, looking over at Dream.
"Don't you think."

"No, I need to show him how to properly hid a body." Dream proudly smiled.
"I've gotten rid of hundreds... I have to teach him how not to get caught." He felt prideful of his work.

"Yeah yeah... What are you doing anyway?" George look over at the laptop.
"I'm rather curious if you don't mind me asking." He hummed softly.. trying to look at the screen.

"Just.. trying to figure out what's going to happen now that I killed that omega in the driveway... I hope he was a nobody." Dream let out a small sigh.. shaking his head faintly.
"But So far I'm getting Karl to do some extra research with Jack and Wilbur... but Jack and eret keep arguing.." he grumbled.
"And it's impossible to get those two to work..."

"If you need help, I can help alright" George reminded Dream for the 100th time.
"You just need to tell me." He smiled.
"And I'll do my best."

"What I need help with right now- is making sure these three are okay.... They are my first priority" Dream grumbled.. shaking his head.
"Just.. having to order more stuff for them.. food- etc." he waved his hand faintly... trying to think.
"That's what I need to focus on."

"You are acting like you don't like buying thing for them- yet you practically online shop for them more then you work." George had an unimpressed look.. rolling his eyes.
"Buying a bunch of stuff won't make them happy and just come and bother you instead." He knew the pups cared more about playing with there father then some toys.

"I know, I just like spoiling them Y'know..? Like how I spoil you...." Dream softly smiled, watching the pups play in the grass.
"I just don't know how long this can last." He mumbled.
"Spending this money... hiding.

"What do you mean..?" George rested his hands on his lap... tilting his head to the side.

"We both know Ace will come eventually.. I know how she is and she won't stop." Dream let out a sigh, hitting his forehead against the top of the laptop screen.
"She's like a parasite that never leaves.." he growled towards himself.
"A disgusting bitch that follows."

George's gaze sorrowed.. soon looking forward- it was mostly his fault for aggravating ace... right.
"...yeah.." he frowned.. gripping his pant legs..
"I'm really sorry for causing this.. I didn't think ace wanted to kill me so badly."

"It's alright George.." Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I've also done some bag things in the past to... start some- unfinished fights." He softly smiled.
"But I'll deal with that when the time comes.... As it's not in my to-do list."

As easy it is for Dream to move on from those situations and the past- George couldn't move on..

George sat in silence.. feeling that guilt once again stir in his chest....
"Yeah.." he stared at the pups.... Was he the threat towards them..? If ace wanted him so badly.
"You are right..."

He needs to push it to the side for now.

Dream briefly glanced at George.
"You still feel bad... don't you." He hummed.... He can easily tell when George is upset.
"You don't need too."

"Yeah... I do feel bad" George let out a small sigh.
"I just.. can't bare for them to suffer.." he rested his head on dreams shoulder.
"Not after witnessing what ace was willing to do to hurt me.."

"And they won't." Dream kissed the top of George's head.. catching onto a faint scent coming from the brunette.
"They are happy." He glanced at the pups for a quick second before back at George.

What is that scent...

George soon softly smiled... yeah... they are happy.
"Yeah." He watched the three.

"Just a random thought, so don't mind me asking alright." Dream tilted his head.
"..Is.... your heat starting...?" He blinked.. a little shocked at the scent.
"Your scent has changed to something more stronger."

"Probably." George let out a small groan... great.
"If I am... I should probably spend as much time as I can with the pups before being bed ridden." He stretched his arms in the hair.
"Do you know where my heat medication is."

Dream was about to speak- but remembered Sapnap taking the heat supplements.
"Err..." he rubbed the back of his head.
"Me and Sapnap used some thing morning for the omega."

He was expecting to get scolded and yelled at by George.

"Ah, i see." George walked towards the pups.
"Just make sure to get some more." He hummed a soft tune... not minding much.
"I understand."

Dream blinked.. slowly closing his laptop,
"Of course." He made his way over towards the omega and three pups.
"I'll get them as soon as I can."

"Thank you." George sat down onto the grass.
"I appreciate it." He smiled.. staring at the three.

Dream smiled.. deciding to sit down next to the brunette.
"We should lay on the grass.." he hummed.

"Pfft.." George faintly chuckled.
"If you say so."

Total word count: 1194

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