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.: morning :.

Dream hummed as he set the pancakes on different plates.. making smaller one for the pups to be able to eat easier.

He was setting up breakfast for his family.. that is what him and George planned yesterday.

Dream soon looked up, seeing George sitting at the table with the three other pups.
"Pfft.." he softly smiled.. seeing how tired the other three were.. it was cute.

George sat quietly, watching the three wake up.

Him and George barely talked since last night... he's tried talking to George this morning but the omega brunette has been mostly silent-

Even when anyone else talked to him, he was rather quiet... only giving short answers.

Dream looked back at George... he looked tired and stressed out.
"You seem really tired george.. are you sure you don't want to go back to bed?" He tilted his head to the side.

George looked over, shaking his head.
"Oh no- I'm not tired I'm just..." he let out a small sigh.
"I just feel like an idiot right now."

Dream tilted his head in confusion.
"Why..? You shouldn't be the one feeling like an idiot..?" He spoke softly.

George looked around at the fancy kitchen.
"I have everything I could possibly need.. I have a roof over my head, a loving mate, three wonderful pups...." He looked down at his hands.
"But I just- feel like I'm not putting enough effort into helping everyone."

Dreams gaze softened as he made his way over, carrying the plates towards them.
"George." He spoke quietly.

"You do so much.. you keep us safe, you keep a roof over our head.. spoil us with almost everything." George rested his face into his hands.
"And all I do is complain." He sighed.
"I'm just... stressed."

Dream placed the plates down in front of the pups.
"George... you need a break." He patted George's back faintly.
"It's okay."

George nodded, gripping his pant leg.
"I was so excited for dinner and spending the night out." He felt like he ruined everything over.. something stupid.
"And I ruined it."

"It's okay."
Dream placed a kiss on George's cheek.
"We can do it another time.. don't worry George." He patted the top of George's head.

George smiled, looking over at the three... they were all eating there pancakes happily- and a little messy.

Dream felt relieved when George smiled, but once he glanced up- he saw Sapnap leaning in the door way.. nudging his head.

The usually meant they had business too attend too..... Damn it.

"Oh? Did you finally find that guy that's been stealing money from me?" Dream crossed his arms, looking over at Sapnap.
"Cause if not- I don't care." He shook his head.

George furrowed his brows in confusion- soon looking over at Sapnap.
"Oh? Do you have business to attend too?" He looked up at Dream.
"I don't mind waiting."

"Depends." Dream kept his attention towards Sapnap.
"Is-" he was cut off.

"Yeah." Sapnap said firmly.
"And he has quite... the mouth." He nudged his head towards George.
"He's been talking quite.. fondly of you and George."

George scrunched his nose.. growling faintly- he didn't even know who they were!
"Seriously..?" He scoffed.

Dream let out a small scoff.
"I'm kind of bus-" he was cut off.

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now